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End of innocence!

Taking you into the woods dressed up as little red riding whore I've been so obsessed with you for so long now this fucking uncontrollable rage that seeps through my veins, when lust and desire and the need to consume take over .you look so beautiful the way the moon light reflects your silleutte, enchanted eyes that pierce into the splendor of the night sky with flowing locks of soft auburn hair that glides and dances with the wind and eyes as deep as the ocean, a little red dress that shines so brightly, your innocence and purity my lust obsession desire and rage, I am your hope and despair ,this endless dream that haunts my every waking moment, I'm chasing you naked through the forest blind rage consumes me.
Your red dress getting caught on bushes ripping in tatters your skin cut and blistered from the tree branches, your feet are bloody and swollen, I'm chasing you naked in this cold empty place nothing is slowing me down the drive to get to you is like a beating drum driving me crazy, the closer I get the louder the drumming becomes in my head.
Until that moment of pure terror and defeaning silence the beating heart pounding out of my chest, when I finally catch up to you following the trail of torn clothing you leave behind, I can hear your sluggish steps, mud-soaked feet, you are tired exhausted, you just want to collapse but you keep running, rage takes over me and I start howling like a wolf, increasing my speed weaving through the thick shrubs my body bleeding cuts all over, adrenaline keeping my blood pumping coursing through me like ice my body morphing into a frozen wasteland and I scream out In the night sky I'm going to fucking rape you do you hear me!!! I'm going fucking rape you!!!!! I'm not going to stop until your crawling away my spent cock pressed into your cunt my cum leaking out of you I want to lick the fear off your face turning you into my broken little brain-dead doll eyes rolled back tongue out panting and heaving broken crumpled body trying to crawl away from me.
The end of innocence.
1 week ago. October 7, 2024 at 6:59 AM

Noha sat nervously on the edge of her chair, her heart pounding in her chest. The room was filled with the chatter of women, all engaged in their own conversations, oblivious to the turmoil brewing within her. She glanced at her phone, the screen displaying a series of missed messages from Talleb. Each one was more urgent than the last, each one a reminder of her disobedience.

She had promised him she would wake up early, complete her tasks, and submit to him before he left for work. But sleep had been too tempting, and now she was paying the price. The gathering was a family affair, a rare occasion where all the women of the extended family came together. It was supposed to be a time of bonding, but for Noha, it felt like a prison.

Her phone buzzed again, and she quickly glanced at the latest message: "Come to the back garden immediately." Her stomach churned as she stood up, excusing herself from the group. The walk to the back garden felt like an eternity, each step heavier than the last. She knew what was coming, and the anticipation made her knees weak.

The garden was secluded, hidden from view by tall hedges and a high wall. Talleb stood there, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression stern. He was dressed in his work attire, a crisp white shirt and dark trousers, his tie loosened at the collar. His eyes were cold, piercing through her like daggers.

"You overslept," he stated flatly, his voice devoid of emotion.

Noha nodded, unable to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry, Talleb. I... I just couldn't wake up."

He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. "You made a promise, Noha. Promises are not something you take lightly."

She swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his disappointment. "I know. I'll make it up to you, I swear."

Talleb's lips curled into a smirk, but there was no warmth in it. "Oh, you will. But first, you need to learn your lesson."

Before she could react, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards a small bench near the rose bushes. He forced her down onto it, her legs spread wide as he positioned himself between them. His hands moved to her hijab, pulling it off and tossing it aside. She shivered, feeling exposed despite the seclusion of the garden.

"Spread your legs wider," he commanded, his voice low and authoritative.

Noha obeyed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Talleb knelt down, his fingers deftly unzipping her jeans. He tugged them down, along with her underwear, leaving her completely bare. The cool air against her skin made her gasp, but Talleb's touch was even colder.

He ran his fingers along her inner thighs, teasing her with light strokes. "You disobeyed me, Noha. Now you will feel the consequences."

She bit her lip, trying to suppress a whimper. "Please, Talleb, not here..."

He ignored her plea, his fingers delving deeper. "You should have thought of that before you decided to lie to me."

His fingers found her clit, circling it slowly. Noha's breath hitched, her body betraying her as it responded to his touch. She tried to close her legs, but his grip on her thighs was firm, unyielding.

"No," he said softly, his tone brooking no argument. "You will stay still and take your punishment."

Her eyes squeezed shut, tears pricking at the corners. She hated how much she craved his touch, how easily he could bring her to the brink with just a few strokes. His fingers moved faster, pressing harder, and she could feel her climax building.

"That's it," he murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. "Feel it, Noha. Feel how good it is to obey."

Her hips bucked involuntarily, seeking release. Talleb's other hand moved to her breast, squeezing roughly through her blouse. The dual sensations were almost too much to bear, and she cried out, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave.

Talleb didn't stop, his fingers relentless as he milked every ounce of pleasure from her. When she finally collapsed against the bench, breathless and trembling, he stood up, wiping his fingers on her jeans.

"Get dressed," he ordered, his voice cold once more. "And remember this moment. Next time you decide to disobey, think about how it feels to be used like this."

Noha fumbled with her clothes, her hands shaking. She wanted to protest, to tell him how unfair it was, but the words died in her throat. She knew better than to argue with him when he was in this mood.

As she pulled her jeans back up, she felt a deep sense of shame. She had been reduced to nothing more than a toy for his pleasure, a tool to teach her a lesson. And yet, part of her couldn't deny the thrill of it, the rush of adrenaline that came with being so thoroughly dominated.

Talleb watched her intently, his eyes narrowing as he saw the mix of emotions playing across her face. "Good girl," he said finally, his tone softening slightly. "Now go back inside. And don't forget your tasks."

Noha nodded, her head bowed. She turned to leave, but Talleb's voice stopped her.

"One more thing," he added, his tone once again icy. "If you ever disobey me again, it won't be just my fingers you feel. Do you understand?"

She swallowed hard, her heart racing. "Yes, Talleb. I understand."

With that, she hurried back to the gathering, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. She knew she had to do better, had to prove to him that she could be trusted. But the memory of his touch lingered, a constant reminder of her submission.

As she rejoined the group, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Every glance, every whisper, felt like a judgment on her behavior. She kept her head down, focusing on the task at hand, determined to make amends.

But deep down, she knew that Talleb's control over her was only growing stronger. And she wasn't sure if she had the strength to resist it.

Noha tried to focus on the conversation around her, but her mind kept drifting back to the garden and Talleb's harsh words. She was talking to her sister, Layla, when something Layla said made her heart skip a beat.

"I saw Talleb earlier," Layla mentioned casually, "at the same place where you two were just now. But he wasn't with you. He was with Mom."

Noha's eyes widened in shock. "With Mom? Are you sure?"

Layla nodded, oblivious to Noha's inner turmoil. "Yeah, they looked pretty cozy. I thought it was weird since he usually only talks to Dad or us girls."

Noha felt a chill run down her spine. Was she being manipulated? Was this some twisted game Talleb was playing to train her, to assert his control not just over her, but over the entire family? The thought made her stomach churn.

She glanced around the room, noticing how everyone seemed to defer to Talleb's authority. Even her parents, who were usually the heads of the household, seemed to respect his decisions implicitly. What secret was he hiding that gave him such power? Why did everyone listen to him so unquestioningly?

As the questions swirled in her mind, Noha couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing something crucial. Talleb's control over her was undeniable, but it seemed to extend far beyond just their relationship. There was a web of influence he wielded, one that left her feeling trapped and powerless.

Determined to uncover the truth, Noha resolved to observe more closely, to see if there were any cracks in Talleb's facade. If he was manipulating the family, she needed to find out why and how. The stakes were too high for her to remain in the dark any longer.

But as she watched the interactions around her, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of dread. Talleb's power was pervasive, and she wasn't sure if she had the strength to resist it, let alone expose it

3 weeks ago. September 22, 2024 at 6:54 AM

Mykey stands in the middle of the room, his eyes fixed on the X marked on the floor with tape. The leathery office chair sits behind him, a throne for his dominance. He gestures for Paulina to stand on the X, and she hesitates, her defiance flickering in her eyes.

"Now," he commands, his voice a low growl that sends a shiver down her spine. Paulina steps onto the X, her heart pounding in her chest. Mykey looks her up and down, his gaze lingering on her defiant expression.

"Take off your clothes, piece by piece, and tell me you're a silly little brat who should behave better," he orders, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Paulina’s hands tremble as she reaches for the hemPaulina’s hands tremble as she reaches for the hem of her dress. She pulls it over her head, exposing her pale skin to the cool air. "I'm a silly little brat," she mumbles, her voice barely audible.

"Louder," Mykey demands, his eyes sharp and unyielding.

"I... I'm a silly little brat," she repeats, her voice stronger but still tinged with resistance.

She undresses slowly, each item of clothing dropping to the floor with a soft thud. Her bra follows, revealing her pert breasts, nipples hardened from the cold and tension. "I should behave better," she adds, though the words stick in her throat.

Next, her dress slides down her legs, leaving her in nothing but a pair of lacy black panties. Mykey's gaze darkens as he takes in the sight of her, half-naked and vulnerable.

"Apologize," he says, his voice a command that brooks no refusal.

Paulina bites her lip, her pride warring with her fear. "I apologize, sir," she finally admits, her voice trembling. "I will be better."

Mykey nods, satisfied for now. "Good. Now, those panties."

Paulina hesitates again, but the look in Mykey's eyes makes her move. She slides her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pushes them down, stepping out of them and standing before him completely naked.

"Kneel," Mykey instructs, pointing to the floor in front of him.

Paulina drops to her knees, her body tense and ready for whatever comes next. Mykey walks over to his desk, pulling out a roll of duct tape. He returns and rips off a length, wrapping it around her mouth, gagging her with the thick material.

The world narrows to the sensation of the tape against her lips, the muffled sounds of her own breathing filling her ears. Mykey kneels in front of her, his face inches from hers.

"You disobeyed me, Paulina," he says, his voice calm but dangerous. "And disobedience requires punishment."

He rises, pulling her to her feet by her bound wrists. He guides her to the center of the room, where he has set up a series of restraints. Mykey secures her wrists above her head, chaining her to the wall. Her legs are spread wide, ankles tied to two metal rings in the floor. She is completely immobilized, at his mercy.

Mykey steps back, admiring his handiwork. "Let’s see how long you can last," he murmurs, almost to himself.

He picks up a riding crop from the nearby table, testing its weight in his hand. Paulina's eyes widen as he approaches, but there is nowhere for her to go.

The first strike lands across her ass, the leather tip biting into her flesh. She gasps against the gag, the pain sharp and immediate. Mykey watches her reaction, noting the way her body tenses and then relaxes.

"One," he counts, delivering another strike, this time lower on her thigh.

Paulina whimpers, the sound muffled by the tape. The pain radiates through her, mingling with the humiliation of her helplessness. Mykey continues, methodically marking her skin with the crop, each strike precise and unrelenting.

By the tenth strike, tears are streaming down Paulina's face, mixing with the sweat that drips from her forehead. Her body trembles, muscles tensing and then quivering under the onslaught.

"You’re strong, aren’t you?" Mykey taunts, running the crop along the curve of her hip. "But everyone breaks eventually."

He delivers two more strikes, one to each cheek, watching as she arches her back, trying to escape the sting. But there is no escape, only the relentless application of pain and control.

"Please..." Paulina manages to mumble through the gag, her voice desperate and pleading.

Mykey pauses, leaning close to her ear. "Begging already? I thought you were stronger than that."

She shakes her head frantically, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Please... own me," she whispers, the words barely audible even through the gag.

Mykey's fingers pause for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he considers her plea. "Own you?" he echoes, his voice low and dangerous. "You think this is about ownership?"

He steps back, the riding crop still in hand, and circles her like a predator eyeing its prey. Paulina's breath hitches, her body trembling with anticipation and fear. The room feels smaller, the air thick with tension.

"Let's see how much you can take before you truly understand," Mykey murmurs, raising the crop again.

The next strike lands with precision, this time across her already reddened ass. Paulina gasps into the gag, the pain sharp and searing. Mykey doesn't give her a moment to recover, delivering another strike, then another, each one more intense than the last.

Paulina's body writhes against the restraints, her muscles straining as she tries to escape the relentless punishment. Tears stream down her face, mixing with the sweat that beads on her forehead. Her breaths come in ragged gasps, the gag muffling her cries of pain.

"Do you feel it, Paulina?" Mykey asks, his voice calm but commanding. "Do you feel the sting? The humiliation?"

She nods frantically, her eyes wide with desperation. Mykey's gaze softens for a brief moment, but then he hardens again, raising the crop once more.

"Good," he says, delivering another series of strikes, each one calculated to push her limits. "Because this is just the beginning."

Paulina's body arches under the onslaught, her mind a whirlwind of pain and submission. She can feel herself breaking, her resolve crumbling under the weight of Mykey's control. But there is something else too—a strange sense of release, of letting go.

Mykey pauses, watching her closely. "Are you ready to submit?" he asks, his voice almost gentle.

Paulina nods, her head bobbing up and down, tears streaming unchecked. "Yes... please... own me," she whispers through the gag, her voice barely audible.

Mykey's lips curl into a satisfied smile. "Very well," he says, setting the crop aside. He reaches up to undo the restraints, his touch surprisingly gentle as he frees her from the wall.

Paulina collapses into his arms, her body trembling with exhaustion and relief. Mykey holds her close, his dominance now tempered with a rare tenderness. "Welcome to your new reality," he whispers in her ear.

3 weeks ago. September 22, 2024 at 6:00 AM

I stare at the email on my screen, my fingers hovering over the keyboard. Paulina’s response to my instructions drips with defiance. "Blue," she wrote. But it wasn’t in a text—it was in an email. She knew exactly what I wanted. And she knew exactly how to push back.

My phone buzzes on the desk beside me, and I glance down at the screen. Another message from her. "You can't make me do anything, Mykey." The words are bold, underlined for emphasis. A smirk tugs at the corner of my lips. This brat thinks she’s untouchable, doesn’t she?

I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. “Paulina, darling,” I type, my tone dripping with calculated amusement. “You seem to misunderstand the situation. You see, I don’t need to make you do anything. I simply choose to give you orders. If you don’t follow them, well… let’s just say your little secret might not stay so secret.”

The cursor blinks at me, taunting me to add more. I hit send before I can change my mind. The reply comes almost instantly. “What secret? You don’t have anything on me.” Her bravado is impressive, but I know better.

“Is that so?” I respond, typing quickly. “Then why did you agree to meet me tonight? Why did you even bother answering my emails if you think I’m bluffing?”

There’s a long pause this time. Long enough for me to imagine her pacing, biting her lip, trying to figure out her next move. When the reply finally comes, it’s not what I expected. “Fine. I’ll come. But only because I want to see how far you’ll go.”

I chuckle softly, leaning forward to grab my phone. “Good girl. Be here by 8. Wear something... appropriate.”

The clock reads 7:59 when there’s a knock on my door. I rise from my seat, adjusting the cuffs of my shirt as I stride across the room. When I open the door, Paulina stands there, looking every bit the defiant 19 year old Teenagershe is. Her eyes are wide, full of challenge, but her posture is slightly tense, betraying her nervousness.

“Come in,” I say, stepping aside to let her pass. She hesitates for a fraction of a second before walking past me, her scent hitting me like a wave—something floral mixed with the faint tang of sweat. I close the door behind her, locking it for good measure.

She spins around to face me, crossing her arms over her chest. “Alright, Mykey. What’s so important that I had to come all the way here?”

I take a step closer, invading her personal space until I can feel the heat radiating off her body. “Oh, Paulina,” I murmur, my voice low and dangerous. “We both know why you’re here.”

Her breath catches, but she tries to hide it, lifting her chin defiantly. “Enlighten me.”

“Your father’s business dealings,” I say, watching her reaction closely. “He has some rather... questionable practices. Practices that could land him in serious trouble if they were to come to light.”

Her eyes widen slightly, and I can see the gears turning in her head. “And you think blackmailing me will keep that from happening?”

“Blackmail implies coercion,” I correct her, taking another step forward. “This is more of a... friendly reminder. You see, I have all the proof I need. And if you refuse to cooperate, well, I might just have to share that information with the wrong people.”

She takes a step back, her back now pressed against the wall. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me,” I reply, sliding my hand up her arm until my fingers brush against the strap of her dress. “Or maybe you’d like to see how much power I really have over you.”

She swallows hard, her eyes darting to my hand before meeting my gaze again. “You don’t scare me, Mykey.”

“No?” I ask, raising an eyebrow as I trace the line of her collarbone with the tip of my finger. “Then why are you trembling?”

Her breath hitches as my fingers dip lower, slipping beneath the fabric of her dress to caress the soft skin just above her breasts. “Because I’m not used to people like you,” she admits, her voice barely a whisper.

“People like me?” I repeat, my tone mocking. “People who demand respect? People who expect obedience?”

“Yes,” she breathes, her chest rising and falling rapidly as my fingers continue their slow descent. “But I won’t be controlled.”

“We’ll see about that,” I murmur, my thumb brushing against the swell of her breast. “Now, tell me. What color are your panties?”

She bites her lip, hesitating for a moment before replying, “Pink.”

“Wrong,” I say, leaning in so close that our lips nearly touch. “They’re blue. And you know what happens when you lie to me, don’t you?”

Her eyes flicker with uncertainty, but she remains silent. I shift my weight, pressing my body against hers as I wrap my hand around her throat. Not enough to hurt, but enough to remind her who’s in control.

“Answer me, Paulina,” I command, my voice firm. “What happens when you disobey?”

She swallows again, her pulse quickening beneath my fingertips. “P-punishment,” she stutters, her defiance crumbling under the pressure.

“Good girl,” I praise, releasing her throat and trailing my hand down to her waist. “Now lift your dress.”

4 months ago. June 7, 2024 at 11:32 PM

Wanted to create some more unique questions for y'all. Feel free to reblog and ask :

What are the ideal nudes that someone could send you?
Have you ever humped a pillow until you came? Would you?
Hottest food someone can eat?
Genie granted you three NSFW wishes. What are you wishing for?
Something you did in bed and would NEVER do again?
Something you did in bed and would LOVE to do again?
Something you never did in bed and would rather never do?
Something you never did in bed and would love to do?
Look around yourself. You are EXTREMELY horny. What unusual object are you using to get off?
What slasher killer would you love to get railed by and why?
What kink/fantasy of yours are you the most embarrassed about? Why?
What’s the weirdest thing that turned you on? Did you masturbate to it? Would you do it again?
What is your darkest kink?
What body part would you worship on other people to the end of time because NGHHHH?
Are you happy with the type of genital you have? If not, would you want the opposite? Why?
You masterbated yourself to starvation. What’s the top number 1 food you crave RN?
What’s the best term that describes you sexually?
You can do only ONE thing to your partner sex-wise for an entire month. What is your pick?
Would you be able to go full month just pleasing your partner daily, without getting anything back?
What hairstyle you find attractive?
What video of you would you love to take sometimes? Why haven’t you yet?
What’s a toy you’d love to use? Why?
What’s your favourite thing about a quickie?
Have you or would you ever masturbate with toothpaste/tiger balm/numbing balm etc.?
Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? What’s the best part on it?
What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?
What’s a part of clothing you would love to see your crush/partner in?
What does your ideal one night stand look like?
Do you have a favourite CNC scenario? Which is it?
Favourite position to give oral? And to receive?
What’s your fantasy celebrity threesome?
What is your most unusual turn on?
Do you have some songs you wanna get railed to?
What’s your opinion on anal?
Do you like to have rough sex? What you love the most?
Do you like to have sensual sex? What you love the most?
What’s your opinion on sexting?
Do you like getting teased in public? Why or why not?
What’s your biggest sexual pet peeve?
What are you favourite pet names to be called during sex?
What’s the best orgasm you had in past months?
Do you like going commando?
What language is the sexiest?
Is FreeUse hot? Why?
What would you love to roleplay as in bed?
What scent you find arousing?
Favourite way of being degraded?
Favourite way of being praised?
Favourite thing to do when dominating?
Favourite thing to do when being dominated?
Have you ever tried something only for it to become a hard limit of yours? How so?
Would you be willing to try something off limits? If yes, what would the circumstances have to be?
Do you like to be intoxicated during sex? How? Why?
Would you like to expose yourself/get exposed? If yes, are there some limits?
Best romantic evening setting, go!
Best sexual evening setting, go!
Would you watch porn with your partner? What would be your pick?
Would you ever participate in a goon day/weekend?
Would you ever participate in Locktober?
Would you ever participate in NoNutNovember?
Do you like tattoos or piercings on your partner? What would be the best places for them to have them?
What is a sex-challenge you would create? Would you do it with your partner or solo?
What is something you always wanted to ask your partner but didn’t had the courage to?
What is something you would love your partner to forget about you?
Is there a kink/fetish you would like your partner to have? Why?
Is there a kink/fetish you would like your partner NOT to have? Why?
Considering you ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE to do the next thing your partner will ask you to. What do YOU wish that would be?
Do you trust your partner enough to be their no-limit sex slave for 24 hours? Why not? What would be the limits?
Would you let your partner pimp you out?
Ropes or Cuffs?
Furries or Robots?
Fully naked or Fully clothed?
Take Erotic photos of someone or Let someone take erotic photos of you?
What’s a better gag? Panties or Socks?
Creampie or Throatpie?
Cuck someone or Get cucked?
Blunt pain or Sharp pain?
Obedient sub or Bratty sub?
Forever watch porn or Forever read porn
Proffesional or Amateur porn?
Feet or Hands?
Lights on or lights off?
Have a harem of men or Have a harem of women?
Truth or dare or FapRoulette?
Multiple orgasms vs Orgasm denial?
Nylons or Fishnets?
Pet or Slave?
Worship ass or Worship feet?
Mommy/Daddy or Master/Mistress?
Bites vs Slaps?
Bruises vs Cuts?
Latex or Leather?
Do you like your clit touched? How is it best?
Favourite way to jerk off?
Best thing about having a vagina?
What’s the nicest compliment you ever got about your vagina? What you think should be complimented on it?
Favorite blowjob technique?
Favorite way to jerk off?
Best thing about having a penis?
What’s the nicest compliment you ever got about your penis? What you think should be complimented on it?
Are you satisfied with your sex life? If not, what would you change? If yes, is there something you would still like to improve to make it even better?
Are you satisfied with yourself in bed? What you think you lack? What you think you excel at?
Did you found out something new about yourself?
Considering you and your sex life, is there something you are so PROUD OF you would brag about it on reddit? (Or tumblr lol, Stole this from reddit)
Considering you are going to have sex today, what are some things you would love to experience?

4 months ago. May 21, 2024 at 9:15 PM


Stage 5: Corruption
It's obvious at this point that my sub is whimpering beneath my feet, completely bent to my will, and is begging physically for me to take them. Sure their senses are awakened and their physical pussy is wet for the taking, but this is the important stage. As long as their mind is intact, they can always become a brat. I intend to break that mind.
And the best way to corrupt them is through a method I like to call 'touch and whisper'. Now that they are in the lucid state their body reacts immediately to my commands. And hence the moment I touch them, they will melt beneath my palms.
The more I keep pressing my hands against their naked, degraded self, they will lose all self control. I'll touch them where they will least expect it. I'll make a mess of their body with my experienced fingers. Their body will part ways for my fingers to clench to their pussy and tease it gently. Moans will escape their mouth the moment I toy around with their ass cheeks.
It's important to always keep your hand on their body at all times, so that you keep reminding them who is in control. Once I have the desired result of how their body reacts to my touches and spankings, I know it's time to go rough, go primal. With words.
I have already activated physical roughness, pounding deep and hard into their pussy, giving them no room to breathe. I lean my body forward, keeping it close to their ear before reminding them exactly what their purpose is and what is expected of them.
"Can you feel my cock wrapped tightly into your pussy, my sweet cunt. Look at you, crying at every touch and thrust of my cock. Do you wish I came all over your pussy right now and breed you senseless?" I taunt them endlessly and I'm determined to get them bred. I want to see their pussy split apart in half, with cum shooting straight into their fertile womb.
I'm going to keep the insults and the degeneracy going. The more they feel insulted and degraded, you will feel invincible and the only available option for them is complete obedience. Keep them imagining you in their mind at all times and that's why the touches are important.
Stage 6: Multiple Orgasms
Once I have their mind, all that is needed to be done is to release. To spurt all into their holes in a quick second of passion is something that cannot be passed up.
I increase the pace of my thrusts, the foreskin gripping to the inside of my sub's pussy as it moves in and out, increasing the suction and pressure on my cock. The heat spreads in all directions and eventually I hit the burst.
Warm cum oozed from the tip of my cock, a direct shot into their womb, filling them up to the brink, starting to leak out. My cock is covered with my own cum as I command them to lick it all up to not waste a single drop. I want to see their belly expand and to see my seeds giving birth to a life. And I would do it over and over and over until I am satisfied.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than the fact me and my sub's sweaty bodies are interconnected in a moment of passion as my cum gushes out into them repeatedly and throbs and begs me to go for another round. This is the moment my emotions kick in and love crawls back in.
The slow embrace as my cock rests throbbing in their pussy, our lips connect for an everlasting kiss of a lifetime. We both melt into each other and my hands crawl behind their back and scratch them. Exasperated breaths live our mouths between kisses and we move in quickly for the next kiss.
I then extend the love to my subs body, sucking and pulling on their nipples, making them shiver in the process. Every inch of their body is something to be worshipped. I kiss their stomach, their neck line, their earlobes and back on to their breasts. Their body still smells great combined with my smell, reminding me of the incidents that preceded it.
Stage 7: Aftercare
This is probably the most important stage. What is all that possessiveness and passion if not without care in the end. We both lay down, hands intertwined as we stared into the empty ceiling. It makes me happy to make my sub laugh and compliment them for what they have let me do to them. I will always be thankful although I consider them my property. My possessiveness will always make sure to have them as my property.
Sensual and deep kisses as we reminisce and throw praises and love for each other is the best part of all this. Those simple words can bring a lot of joy after a good session. I'll make sure my sub is well fed and cleaned up. We both go to the hot tub and immerse ourselves in hot water on our bodies as soap washes the sweat off our bodies and makes us pure again. The little jokes and banter is always a refresher and simple hugs are enough for me to make me into a mess. While I'm a sadist for things I do to them, I'm powerless when they do things like these to me. It's blissful sharing snacks and chocolates as we watch a good show with our hands intertwined and their head resting on my shoulder is all I need at the end of the day.

4 months ago. May 20, 2024 at 5:19 PM

Trigger Warning These Are some Triggering Words ,Be Aware !

she Looks At me while sipping a  smoothie , after I have been Waiting for her  for over 15 minutes to come out of work , , she gets in and can see I’m pissed because of the wait , and  says “ sorry, I was just talking to a friend. He was telling me about his plans to go with his family to Italy.”So I say all this time waiting because you wanna talk to your friend, we could do that on the phone or via text ,my voice  gradually getting louder,I stop talking  and take a deep breath while maintaining eye contact  and say look ….

I am that dom that wants my sub's world to revolve around me and only me. They should treat me like I'm their god, their saviour, their knight in shining armor. They should not be able to function without me telling them exactly what to do, and yet they will fail miserably at that to be punished by me.
I am that dom who will randomly pull their hair back while they cook or whenever they are fully involved in doing something they like, and force myself sexually on to them. I would pull out my dick and pull their hair to direct them to suck my dick, or when they are sleeping, i will forcefully wake them up to fuck them back to sleep. I have a high sex drive that i cannot function unless i drain my life's worth of cum inside the sub's warm, tight and inviting pussy. I want to breed them to bear my children so that they know their whole purpose is to serve me.
I am that dom that's obsessive and possessive and toxic that i wouldn't let anyone look at you seductively. I wouldn't want anyone to eye fuck you because the right only belongs to be. I wouldn't hesitate to lock you up in a cage and starve you until you beg to be fucked by me if i ever see talk to a person that's not me. I will mark you, bruise you, insert a vibrator inside your pussy and set it to the fastest setting that you lie in the pool of your humiliating squirts. I want you to know that it's all me. As i said, I should be your world.
I have rules and fetishes and i would use you however I like. You shouldn't have any emotions and you should only be concerned about mine. I will show you the way of life through my dick in your pussy and my instructions stay final. I would absolutely defile your body to teach you a lesson when you disobey me. The punishments I have for you will be fun. I'll blindfold you and overstimulate you to the point of multiple orgasms and you lie there exhausted.
I would want you to be that sub who only thinks about every inch of my body all the time, all the scars i have given you, the marks and bruises I have given you as a gift, your subservience to me, every little detail of my body etched on your memory, the feeling of my cock deep in your pussy, making you the perfect fuck slut whose sole purpose is to be cute for me, a hole to dump my cum in, and be my experimental toy and finally a breedable slut.


5 months ago. May 15, 2024 at 3:50 AM

-Stage 1: Priming
The session would start with me tying my sub, fully clothed with makeup on, with a tightrope and suspending them from the ceiling so that their feet are few inches above the floor, but cannot reach it. I would leave them hanging there for a few minutes as they are forced to maintain eye contact with me.
I start to undo my clothes, looking at them as their blood flow is restricted and their face gets all red. Once I'm naked, I'll pull up a chair to masturbate to their misery until my cock is rock hard.

-Stage 2: Trance
Once I had my fun from priming their body to my future actions, it's now time to make their body respond to my commands the way I see fit. The way I like to do it is to tie them up to the side of the bed. I'll position myself right in front of their face and thrust my cock into the back of their throat repeatedly. There is no time to breathe and they will gag, making them all teary eyed and their makeup ruined. Their eyes roll back, unable to take the length of my cock, suffocating on it. The most important step is to keep repeating this until they go numb and don't have the energy to disobey you. That's when I'll whisper the magic words into their ears, 'I'm gonna fuck you as I see fit.

-Stage 3: Possession
This is the time to physical use the sub's body how I see fit. I'll flip them on their chest and penetrate their pussy from behind with full force and they won't feel a thing. Their entire body will move back and forth and will allow more of the cock to rip their insides. I'm going to mark my property to let everyone know that she is a slut only for my pleasure. My love language for expressing possessiveness is through permanent alterations on their body: knife cuts, bruises, writing with a permanent marker, hickeys, spanking. Anything that cannot be hidden and that sends a clear message that she's mine.
I'll pull their hair back as I dick them down from behind, using their own body as support. Putting some lube on the pussy widens it up, allowing my cock to reach in deeper, causing them to twitch a little.

-Stage 4: Lucid State
It's never fun when the sub is not vocally and emotionally responding to my threats. That's why, the moment they twitch and start moving their body to get more pleasure like a shameless whore, it means they have now entered the lucid state. It's like a new drug that keeps you awake longer and activates all senses. Now in the lucid state, every thrust will feel like a needle is piercing their body. They will react with shameless moans and screams that assert your dominance over them. This is the best time to start groping their entire body. Squeeze their tits, hit them, choke their neck from behind, grip their entire body tight, rub against their clitoris, insert a finger, whisper into their ear and thrust into their pussy harder. They will take the pain and the pleasure like a champ. They will feel everything.

part 2 coming soon!

5 months ago. May 15, 2024 at 3:45 AM

As subs, it's their fucking duty to take cock and worship it. What good does it do if cocks just hang inside my pants all the time. I want my cock stuffed in some cute little slut's mouth so deep I can hear the gags from the back of their throats. I want to choke their neck hard and push their head even deeper on my cock until tears form on their broken face as they realize the real length of my cock. They should be ready to pump all the cum off my cock and get themselves pregnant from it.

Mindless sluts need to either be choking themselves from the cum that leaked out of my cock or should finger their wet cunt and push my cum deep and get bred by their own fingers. I want them to gasp for air after every thrust, slap my cock on their face, swallow my tasty cum without dropping anything.

And coming to the important part. Cum should be leaking from all their holes and their pussy should be pink and an absolute mess after I am done using them. They should look broken from every single thrust I gave them while using them and seeing them cock drunk is so satisfying. Them, unable to form coherent words is a sign of their complete obedience.

Is this too much to fucking ask? Any volunteers?

9 months ago. December 27, 2023 at 11:31 AM

Welcome to FUS!

Here once a girl turns 18 she can choose to join my society where all women in my utopia are forced to wear fertility collars that change colors respective to their position in society there would be four different colors in the collars, representing green would be the free-use sluts that can be fucked anytime throughout the day.
on her way to work, it starts at the train ticket booth being fucked and filled by the guard after being given a ticket, making her way down to the platform and there is already a line waiting at the bottom of the platform where she is just pushed to the ground and raped and bred over and over until the train finally arrives.
the rules for being on public transport were she would only be allowed to stand in front of a door or the walls no sitting, and another 4-5 guys taking their turns one of the guys got mad and slapped her around a little bit, knowing her stops coming up and she has to get off.
getting to work, the boss is hosting a meeting, and she comes out with the platter of food on the lunch break, where the men can eat and empty their balls after they've had their meal, a line would start forming each man on a time crunch pumping and dumping his cum as quickly as he can before having to head back to the office, and after each employee has had their fill of her, going to the bosses room and presenting her cunt in case her boss might want it while he fills out some reports.
green collared sluts would be career women and the main reason for their existence is to make sure men's balls are always drained in the workplace on the way to work, there would be other workplaces they exist in, some heading towards industrial zones being tied up to out of work machinery, making sure every working man or tradesmen has their balls emptied.
Women with blue fertility collars would be private rape dolls, only given to the men at the top of society, the top performing students at universities, and anyone with high status, they would be carefully selected and picked from thousands of applicant's be trained in sexual seduction and be modified turned into a proper bimbo rape doll, their bodies a symbol of their high status and that they are reserved for private use.
they would only have one user, and that person would have access to them all throughout the day, making sure they are always performing at the top of their fields, her job would be to always be available always be dressed as slutty as possible, Woman with blue collars would be allowed to tease other men but never touch or be fucked by them, they would be a status symbol the envy of most men, and the woman who doesn't perform to the best of her ability would be de-ranked and moved to red fertility collars.
Women with red fertility collars would be society rape toys, their days would begin differently some heading towards public breeding pits, where she is propped up with hundreds of other women on breeding bars in a public square and just raped over and over all day by men from all walks of life.
some would go to public bathrooms and be chained to sinks and some were chained to the toilets, and are repeatedly raped all day by men after relieving themselves.
others would go to public libraries, with muzzles over their mouths because they have to stay quiet in a library, propped up by a breeding bar in each reading booth, borrow a book head towards a reading alcove, rape a red collard breeding slut, read your book and go home, these girls would be extremely popular for how adept they would be at not reacting to be being raped.
once a girl is successfully bred, her collar would turn purple, and she would be taken to a breeding farm, men would travel on vacation to these farms and pay a premium to fuck pregnant rape toys, and women would be sorted on how far along term they are, the bigger and rounder her belly is the more a man has to pay, these farms would be very popular the women thinking they were going to get a break instead just fucked night after night with a round pregnant swollen belly in heat, tongue sticking desperately as men sneak into the farm basement every night to milk your tits while they pump more cum into you, drinking from your udders while holding your swollen round belly.
some of the women can choose to be kept in the barn and dressed up like cute little fuck cows, where they walk on all fours and are bred every few hours, their pregnant swollen bellies put on display, walking aimlessly with a dead glazed look in their eyes, just fucked so full already pregnant and in heat, raped until they are just empty shells, the fuck cows with the bigger bellies being much more popular lines stretching out for what seems like forever.

1 year ago. September 16, 2023 at 10:54 PM


It starts with a little posted note on your desk asking you if you would like to play a game. If yes, go to a place where you would like to be alone if no disregard this note.
Your curiosity gets the better of you, going outside the little corner around the building where you like to have a sneaky joint in your lunch break, slowly coming up to the corner you find the yellow note stuck.
I have a room booked  at the yellow dragon hotel  room number 4-11 you will find a key card under your tire go their and look for the next instructions.
Your mind is racing. Who could this be from, someone from work ? Fear kicks in, wondering how long they have been watching you for, what they could possibly want, afraid, and excited. You head to your car, the thrill of not knowing who has you wet already.
You finally make it to the room, it's already been checked in opening the door moving in slowly you see the bed the blindfold the earmuffs and the little posted noted moving up slowly to read the note.
You have two options.
Option 1. Put on the blindfold on and ear muffs, spread your legs and arch your back over the bed, keep your skirt on, and wait.
Option 2. Leave now
You don't know what to do. " This is too much you tell yourself I can't go through with this, can I?", Fear washes over you followed by excitement making a split second descion, your submissive nature makes it easier for you to just comply with instructions, you put the blind fold on the ear muffs arch yourself over the bed and just wait.
You don't hear me or see me come in, just my cold touch as you feel my hand travel up your leg slowly lifting your skirt, pulling your panties to the side, up as i pull down my pants shove my dick into you fuck you like an animal you feel the rough hard pounding as my cock pushes deep into you it womb pushing in and out hard and fast untill I explode into you squeezing your ass tight as the last drops squirt into your fertile cunt, I pull up my pants and just leave, leaving you bent over the bed cum leaking out of you.
It's been a month now, you still don't know who i am, everyone at work is a suspect, you can't help it you're losing it, you've been searching for long to be used like that again, controlling your life every waking thought you have.