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Silent Observations

Just my random thoughts as I try to learn and grow
3 years ago. October 14, 2020 at 11:20 PM

There are no rights or wrongs. There is no one way to do anything

"Keep the company of those who seek the truth and run from those who have found it." Vaclav Havel

We all have an individual interpretation of truth. There are relative truths, interpretive truth and stories that we have written and retold over and over. Is there really any truth to that which we keep repeating and tweaking to match our beleif. Is there any truth in a subjective interpretation? 

There is only one truth and that is the universal truth. 

If someone asked you what's the one thing that you can determine to be truth, what is that?
There are so many issues where we are emphatic, demanding that our truth says this in regards to politics, policy, social interactions, war, terrorism, love of animals, love of other people, religion... we go through all these issues through life on a daily basis. We've created that domestication from what we claimed to be true. But in any moment a truth can be stood on its head, remember all the way back when the Earth was flat, remember when there was no gravity or electricity. Just because we live in a certain time and the voice of that time says its one thing, doesnt necessarily mean its the truth. Truth is distinctly relative when it comes to any of our interactions on this beautiful planet. 

So what's our personal truth? That's where the most distressing conflicts come up because we beleive for something to be so universal, we've  made it personal and we apply our own  personal belief system onto the universality of truth. 
So The deeper question is, is there such a thing as universal truth? Even if we beleive in the literal interpretations of the bible, fundamentalist, theologians, sacred texts, every beleif is based on someone claiming they know the truth. Therefore if someones not in your beleif system they obviously are not followers of the truth. Universal truth can not be limited to the hear and now, its got to be expanded to every aspect of life. 

Truth theoretically is like pure unbounded consciousness, truth knowing/consciousness and bliss applies to every aspect of every moment of every millisecond of existence. Ever since history has began, ever since there were cultures we could say the Golden Rule is a universal truth

Do undo others as you would have them do unto you

Again maybe everyone has a different interpretation of how they want to be treated than to you.
Does the truth we embrace take us in the direction of unity, or seperation.  If it guides us into the oneness its more truthful, its closer to the truth. If it seperates us or individuats us its a mirage/illusions and then it's not the truth. So ask yourself when you are announcing the truth, your truth to the world, does it bring increased freedom and peace? Or is it a divider a seperator? Then of course we have the choice in every moment to move towards self, to move towards a constriction, or to move towards oneness. Towards expansion. 

So what do we do? We can go back to the ancient teachings, to give us a little guidance and the timeless wisdom of Ajanta says the truth or enlightenment/wholeness is the ability to embrace both opposite ends of the exact same concept or argument, embracing the paradox, polar opposites simultaneously. Understanding and embracing both sides of the exact same argument. The opposite ends, the extreme positions of polarity, that is the truth. 
When you can hold the extreme left and the extreme right simultaneously, thats powerful. Thats the truth, because then it is not coming through your interpretive mode and essentially that allows us to navigate truth in its most devine sense. 

~ David Gee

slavebilly​(sub male) - Well, as a Christian, I know the truth. Truth is not a statement or a philosophy or a belief. It is a Person! Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.
3 years ago

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