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Silent Observations

Just my random thoughts as I try to learn and grow
5 years ago. November 7, 2018 at 8:40 AM

Ive always been an open person, fairly carefree and i still consider myself this way. So when i met someone who was more reserved than me i struggled with the concept that he wanted to keep some parts of his life private.

I dont require all the information on someone and i thought my questions where not that intrusive. I use them as a way to understand a persons background. Not to intentionally pry. He was gaurded and politely told me he was not comfortable at that stage to discuss certain things. I didn't know how to take it. I instantly took offence but wanted to continue our chat. I thought that he didnt like me. I see now how selfish i was in my thinking.

Now, even though i am an open person i will have more respect for privacy. That it is something to be earned. Because right now i appreciate his openness. Because i know i have earned it. It is not my right but my privilege to know these things. And i will honor the information entrusted to me. Not because it is a secret to hold but rather that it is just personal information that he CHOOSES to share.

I dont need to tell you my kinks, or my depest thoughts. I dont need to tell you my job, my name or what i look like. My family history or where i was born. But if i want to I may choose to..... and if i dont then that is up to me as well. Privacy is important. It keeps us safe.

Starlight82​(other female) - Yes Phanes you are very right. There should be a gradual opening and sharing. My point is that once entrusted, it becomes apparent that the trust is not only given but that it is building. And i have taken that simple step for granted before. Felt that it was my right to know all because i was greedy for information. It should feel natural and there should be progression on bith sides for sure. I always appreciate your comments thank you :)
5 years ago

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