Embarking on a new adventure is not for the weak of heart...or mind for that matter.
Before I left for a work event a few weeks ago, I was drifting away from the Cage and the craziness of RL, D/s seemed to be fading out at home too. I felt depleted and sad. So I focused on work.
Something happened while I was out in Cali. I'm not sure exactly what but a shift happened. I have been way more energized than I have been in a long time. I brushed it off at first...manic episode perhaps? But it persisted...and persisted.
I started slowly coming back into chat. Everyone missed me and wondering if I was okay. It was heartwarming...I had come back home.
An awkward incident in a chat one night brought about another shift. I made a connection with someone. Someone I was not seeking. Was not expecting. A dom. A male. Seriously? A sub female would have caused a lot less waves. LOL But you can't control who fate puts in your path.
It went deep...fast. But then that is me. I always run head first down the rabbit hole.
I'm embarking on a hybrid poly relationship. Correct terminology? Probably not, but it's how I describe it. :P
Full disclosure on all sides.
It has been only a few days, but in those few days so much has happened. It's been a roller coaster ride (no shit sherlock!). I'm facing things I have avoided for years/decades. I'm doing things I have never done before and while scary...shit, who am I kidding...down right fucking terrifying at times, it is bringing me that much closer to home.
I feel lighter.
I feel freer.
I. am. ME.