4 years ago. August 18, 2020 at 1:19 PM
I'll do as I please
I am the great lord and master, of all that I survey, I take control of your soul, your bodies mine for play
Once you wear my collar, to do my bidding is your goal, to please me in everything, you are my toy, my doll
I'll dress you as I like you, any rolls for me you'll act, in return I'll care for you, its signed within our pact
I might tell you to call me Sir, or make you walk to heel, how you get treated this day depends on how i feel
You dont get a vote, no say in how we fuck or play, I am your lord and master, you do what I say
But it wont all be pain and hurt, my guidance comes with care, love and protection, for with whom this life I share