Subs choice
You love his low commanding tone, you shiver at his voice, you love to be Submissive but its purely by your choice
You must always pick and choose, you must decide if he's your Dom, decide if you're compatible, now by fate he's come along
No matter how subservient your choice it must be free, to set out your boundaries, before you give your life for thee
You must say what you like, list the things you hate, if they fall in line with him, I guess it must be fate
Like two moons that explode at night, they make the brightest star, with respect, love and caring, as a couple you'll go far
Obey his every single wish, give all the things his heart desires, serve him the best you can, do all that he requires
But no matter how much you give of you, how you respond to his voice, hold tight to one single truth, you are his sub by choice