A poem dedicated to everyone struggling with self doubt and haters
The mantra
When you feel that wobble, you feel the on set of your self doubt, go to your nearest mirror, stare at it and shout
Take a deep breath and say "BE STRONG, BE BEAUTIFUL AND BE YOU" believe it with a passion, believe these words are true
Believe in your self worth, see the beautiful person deep inside, let your Sun shine brightly, there is no need to hide
Yes there are others who will hurt and pull you down, push through all their bullshit, put on your Princess Crown
The reason why haters hate, is because the're just not happy with their life, so they spread hurt and hatred, they love to stir up strife
Don't let the get in your head, ignore the things they say, Believe in this mantra, hear those words each day
Let your inner strength show, be the perfect person that you are, push through your dark clouds, the Sunshine ain't that far
Just reach up high and grab it, hold it tight inside your soul, to fill your life with love and confidence, is the aim and goal
Just belive in the mantra, belive it with all your heart and mind, things will get brighter and confidence you'll find