A dream I dream
Hand in hand
Fingers locked, entwined in love, both held in a loving grasp, locked in a state of happiness, the lock of loves true clasp
Skin on skin, feelings shared, we're both feeling loves tingle, mindlessly our digits move, in love they play and mingle
Together with your hand in mine, we show the world a sign, it screams out I love you, I'm yours and you are mine
A declaration for the world to see, I've found my one true love, my mate, now and forever, the love we share is great
Thumbs wrapped in so tightly, like the seal upon our loving grip, connected by our desires, our love wont wain or slip
How can this come from holding hands, do you believe this love is real, just find a special hand to hold and open up your heart and feel
Feel the connection running through you, its like loves circuit is complete, sharing every spark of loves electricity everytime you meet
So find a hand and hold it tight, feel the love it holds inside, hang on for loves paths not always smooth, but enjoy its wonderous ride