Fleeting moments
Feeling you close to me, I stroke your tender skin, in that moment the world is right, there is no pain or sin
Just Sunshine and the bluest skies, with not a cloud in view, everything is perfect and its all because of you
A simple hug fills my heart with joy, there's heaven in your kiss, to be with you forever, would be my perfect wish
Hand in hand our fingers blend, entwined in a lovers knot, sharing all our secrets, all our dreams and hopes we've got
Making love together, giving to each other our heart and soul, a chance of becoming as one forever, really is my goal
In your arms I'm whole again, you take away my hurt my pain, you dry up my tear stained eyes, you bring Sunshine one again
All these things happen, though you're far away on your phone, Fleeting moments of happiness, then again I'm all alone
A simple smile, the kindest word, all sent down a technological line, gifts from a Angel, who I wished was really mine