You may be alone but I'm there
When I'm all alone in my bed, I often have you on my brain, I wonder if your out there and do you do the same
I imagine you laying in the dark, alone tucked in your bed, thinking of a poet, whose work you've often read
In my dreams you wait for me, the way I wait for you, searching for a soul mate, waiting for a love that's true
I hope my words skip off the page, and climb inside your head, filling you with emotion and desire with every word that's read
Can you see each stanza, screams and calls your name, my words paint your portrait, I put you within a poems frame
When you read about yourself, I hope it makes you smile, if I can make you feel so special, it makes my writes worth while
If I can reach deep into your soul, would you let me in, can I sleep inside your heart, when your dreams begin
So even when you're on your own, if you read me I'll be there, to wrap you within my loving words, to show you that I'm there