Find me in my lines
Miles across the universe, far from my lonely bed, lives the girl I dream of, who lives inside my head
Will my words find you, will they travel deep into your heart, making me a part of your dreams, though we're worlds apart
In my dreams we always meet, during the middle of the night, you slide under my covers, you snuggle in so tight
In this world we are one, our lives and souls entwined, a dream like romance blossoms, within this space and time
Will I ever find you, or am I destined to stay forever on my own, left to dream of you at night, then write poems on my phone
I can only hope you're real, out there somewhere across the plain, searching for a person, who loves you just the same
I guess only time will tell, so until then I'll write my rhymes, hoping somehow they find you, and you find me in my lines