My heart is beating wildly pushing my life force around my veins, waiting for you to feed off me, whilst the night remains
My window is open wide, there's no Garlic around my bed, come now and feast on me, drink until your fed
Hypnotise me with your stare, pull around your cloak so Black, make me into your Vampire bride, I know there's no way back
Make me a creature of the night, turn my heart to stone, then we will have eternity, you'll never be alone
Make me a Vampire, turn me on this stormy night, make me one of the undead, it's what I wish this night
Pierce my flesh with your teeth, drink the nectar of my soul, I give myself willingly, to serve you is my goal
Once the deed is over, I will forever be by your side, there to learn the Vampire ways, if you will be my guide
Together we can hunt this land, pick off victims in the dark, feeding off the unwary, when hunger makes a spark
So I beg you to feed off me now, drink all my blood I yearn, make me a Vampire, tonight I want to turn