Setting free
Pinging poems across the ethereal plain, like skimming stones across a pond, it leaves small reminders, of which I hope you're fond
Each line makes ripples, they spread out across your mind, some are very sexual and some are warm and kind
Sent from me to make you smile, to show you're in my mind and heart, to let you know I'm thinking of you, though we're miles apart
Each line is wrote to touch your heart, to make you feel so good, sometimes written to make you horny, like a sexual poem should
But often they are sent to pull you close, like a written loving hug, packaged in bite sized stanza, that fits your heart real snug
And just like a ripple on the lake, eventually it reaches shore, then your words come back to me, which in turn inspires more
So my dearest dream girl, again you've inspired more, it is the constant to and throw, like how a sea rushes to shore
The constant flow from me to you, then again from you to me, fills my mind with poems and my writing sets them free