If I could be for you
If I were a dominant and not just a broken man who writes in rhyme, I'd nurture and protect you, I'd guide you all the time
I'd do my best to make you feel safe, I'd give you structure, set you tasks, I'd try to fulfil your every need, listen to your asks
Place a shield around you, help you to succeed and grow, open you up to new things, though we'd take things nice and slow
Learn all your wants and needs, I'd learn to deliver your desires, bringing you all you need to ignite your sexual fires
Together we will share our hopes and dreams to make our lives so full, I wish I was more than a poet and be a dominant for you
Have you be my submissive, be my sexual body slave, caring for all my needs, being all the things I crave
Oh I wish I was so much more, but sadly it's just a dream this time, I'm just a broken man, who puts his dreams in rhyme