Stranger in my doorway
It's late at night I'm in my bed I heard a key turn in my door, I look up to see whose turned up but it's someone I've never seen before
Fear runs through me I'm stuck paralyzed in my bed, with all sorts of horror scenes racing through my head
Then the silhouette whispered her voice seemed to sooth my soul, she sincerely apologised for frightening me that truly weren't her goal
She didn't take a step closer she told me she has been reading some erotic rhyme and has been wanting to meet the author for a such a long long time
She told me how it pleased her and how she laid in her bed reading on her phone, with one hand on her vibrator playing with her pussy on her own
She gave me a full description of the things and toys she used, how she often fucked herself really hard, she liked to feel her pussy bruised
I told her to step in closer come let me see her in the light, she declined and said perhaps next time and then she just turned away and left me the night
Laying alone quite shocked how she got my key never entered my busy brain, all I could do was lay there wondering if I'll see her once again