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Some of my erotic poetry
4 months ago. May 27, 2024 at 10:44 PM

Come inside our bed

The fires are burning deep inside I'm ravenous for your touch, I need you next to me I want you oh so very much

Wrap yourself around me lets lay naked skin to skin, covered in each others sweat after a session of kinky sin

The house looks like a war zone, there's all the playthings strewn across the floor, the vibrators are now silent they're not needed any more

You can feel the scratches, you have bruises forming on your bum, we're both laying in the damp patches we both made when we both cum

Your laying across me her heads now resting on my chest, after the the night of passion it's the thing I love the best

After the passion sated and your body's all relaxed and still, your breathing begins to get slower now our desires had it's fill

Come on baby take your clothes off now get in beside me in our bed, I want to share the kinky passions that have been hiding in deep inside my head


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