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Some of my erotic poetry
1 month ago. July 20, 2024 at 10:39 PM

Love drunk on your wine

Oh the drink is flowing, we're having the most wildest time, I'm feeling intoxicated on this delicious pussy's wine

It has the most delicate of flavours, with a subtle aroma just like a fresh bloomed Rose, I do so enjoy sipping it with the fragrance wafting up my nose

Each sip brings us pleasure we move together in such perfect time, people search years for their happy place, I know that I've found mine

I could easily become addicted to the taste I just want to sip it more and more, I swear I could drink this everyday, of that fact I am so very sure

Making sure I spill none making sure not a single drop goes to waste, I open wide and lap up every wave I'm sipping with a wanton haste

You quiver quite frantically as you serve me up another yet another wave, I just keep on lapping it all up, your are the wine I crave

I must confess I can't get enough there's simply never to much, you truly taste devine, I'm addicted to your pussy and getting love drunk on your wine


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