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Some of my erotic poetry
1 month ago. July 28, 2024 at 10:30 PM

Climactic end

Our sex juices mingle as we come to a climatic end, we're soaked in each others sex, it is such a perfect blend

Desires mixed with passion, sexual pleasures mixed with pain, when my tongues on your pussy's bud your juices fall like rain

Soaked in sweat and breathing hard, our heartbeats pound like we're at the races, the feeling of utter satisfaction shows on both of our clamy faces

We will both be sore tomorrow we've both got reminders on our skin, you have rope marks on your wrists, I've got scratches where your nails dug in

The room looks like a battle field, you can plainly see we went to war, both exhausted and exhilarated no one could ask for more

We lay entwined together your head rests on my chest as my heart beats out your name, no matter how wild and freaky the evening gets it always ends the same

You wrapped safely in my arms, moulded we blend as one, you slowly drift off to your special place as I lay awake waiting for the Sun


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