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Some of my erotic poetry
1 month ago. August 3, 2024 at 11:07 PM

Poets dream

Let's pretend I'm a Dominant and you must do everything I say, you cannot question me or answer back in any sort of way

You must wear the clothes I've chosen you, I'll pick out your lingerie, I'll decide everything you do, I'll be in total control today

I'll decide on the games we play as for the toys we'll use the ones I choose, I might get you to do me a sex show so I can watch which ones you use

I've got the flogger ready, I want to leave reminders on your skin, welts that last for ages, from my controlling night of sin

You must call me Master or Daddy I'd quite love to have a special name, you must be very submissive in this my chosen kinky game

So is it wrong to wish for such a night, when really all I do is rhyme, well even a poet can have a dream, I'm sure it's not a crime

But in truth you are just a dream that inspires me to write but it doesn't stop me wishing that it may happen to me some night


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