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Some of my erotic poetry
1 month ago. August 7, 2024 at 10:30 PM

Lunchtime munch

Go put on something sexy, I'm taking you for a special lunch, it's a place where we will meet like minded people the call it meet up munch

You'll get to chat to others in some cases you can watch or even play, if you think you might want to get involved wear some sexy lingerie

Don't start to panic mostly people sit around and chat, they discuss all sorts of kinky things and vanilla stuf I know you would like that

We might even find a new playmate, you always say you'd love to share, as long as it's a female, what she looks like I don't even care

So as long as she's into you and it doesn't matter if she doesn't want me to play, I can even go out for the night and come back on the following day

So go get yourself ready then we can hop straight into our car, it's only a five minute drive the man who runs it owns a trendy bar

Well come on it's time to decide are you gonna come to the lunchtime munch, hell instead of finding one playmate you could find yourself a bunch


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