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Some of my erotic poetry
1 month ago. August 8, 2024 at 11:26 PM

The cat who's got the cream

I woke up and you were gone, again it was just another dream, earlier you were in my arms it was a perfect scene

We were playing kinky games you were dressed in soft red lace, you were tied down on the bed with a smirk across your face

All the toys were strewn across the room, the butt plug was tossed onto the floor, I pounded you with everything I had until you could take no more

The sheets were soaked from our night and all the melted ice, I even used the nipple clamps, I know you think they feel real nice

A little pain brings yoy pleasure you love a paddle on your bum, everytime I use your leather flogger you never fail to cum

You are so very sexy I'm obsessed with your gorgeous curves, I'm honoured to share time with you it's more than I deserve

Whether we are skin to skin or if we only share a dream, every moment shared with you makes me feel like the cat who's got the cream


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