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Some of my erotic poetry
1 month ago. August 14, 2024 at 10:39 PM

Plaything for the night

My fingers begin to tingle a sure sign the handcuffs are on too tight, I'm full of excited anticipation for I'm the groups plaything for the night

Hanging from a meat hook in the middle of the exhibition room, waiting for the guests to arrive my heart sounds like a cannons boom

The door slowly opens people file in they've all come to play, it's strange being the object of desire but it was my turn on this day

The eye mask was put on me the headphones stole all sound, in the darkness and silence I just hung there tightly bound

Then I felt the touch of first hand their nails run down my spine, it took me by surprise at first but the pain was so devine

My manhood stood to attention blood rushing along each vein, I felt a hand cup my bollocks, the sensation blew my brain

I felt lips surround my cock a tonge ran around the tip, my pre cum was running now I felt it being taken by small sips

Whilst in the world of oral I was sent into a world of total shock, someone poured body wax over my hardened cock

I let out a yell but not because it hurt I was caught just unaware, I felt it run down my legs matting in my hair

Then came the flogger and a paddle crashed against my bum, the excitement was building really fast I was trying not to cum

People sucking hard on my nipples, some even took a bite, it was a long night of pain and pleasure being their plaything for the night


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