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Some of my erotic poetry
2 weeks ago. September 3, 2024 at 9:13 PM

Thinking about tonight

Your soft lace red panties are now laying on the bedroom floor, they won't have a part to play in this night of fun no more

Now we are naked sharing a sweet and tender embrace, we are both laying side by side, so I can see your gorgeous face

We share soft and gentle kisses, our bodies become entwined as one, we share the night together, we got to see the rising sun

My hands run across across your skin, I caress your gorgeous curves, spending a night with a goddess like you was more than any man deserves

Hours pass in minutes who knew how long this night would last, there's never enough time for me to be with you, every moment goes to fast

In what seems fleeting moments the sun begins to rise, how can the night be over I just can't believe the sight before my eyes

In the morning we shower I go to the kitchen to make her breakfast right, then we both go off to work but all I can do is think about tonight


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