Poll ! Does this behavior sound like I am furry.
I have never thought of myself as a furry before until someone close to me told me I am a furry the other day❗
I was shocked 😳 looking all confused ❓
The evidence...
My first sexual fantasy in my entire life was me as Lola Bunny having sex with buggs bunny. - I had always written this off as well at the time due to my Intersex condition I didn't even know I was female dispite developing a female body during puberty and Lola was safe to identify with and although kinda odd I mean she was hot and who doesn't love bugs Bunny?
Anyway I actually never had a pleasurable dream with me in a human form enjoying sex infact because I faced sexual abuse and I have night terrors about it. I actively don't have any dreams of me sexually as a human at all which aren't flashbacks of abuse.
Yet I have had pleasurable sexual dreams as a fursona wolf of mine, different pokemon, and of course lola bunny still to this day.
Also when I am in Pet mode or dressing up as a pokemon I am mostly nonverbal because Pikachu can only say their name dogs bark whimper excreta I try to keep true to the character.
My wolf 🐺 character can talk he's kinda a loner bad ass who takes no shit but kinda noble the closest is think wolf from the starfox universe but more of an anti hero like Logan instead of a bad person. He has a name but I don't share it with people.
Anyway moving on
My friend wanted to test something so they put on furry porn note I never watch porn because I am a demisexual and it does nothing for me. But furry porn wasn't as off putting as human porn.
I am by no means a prude I have had sex in a glass coffin in a public BDSM space. I just don't find people I don't have an emotional attraction to as attractive. Thus seeing randos have sex to me is utterly boring.
But animated Pokemon having sex was definitely less off putting but mostly neutral.
At one point my friend asked wait you seen one of these before they put it on?
I said of course don't you see how beautiful the animation is and what a delicate plot developed before the sexual encounter.
They were so amused - Wait no seriously let me get this straight you like furry porn for the animation❓
I said 'excited' yeah why isn't the use of shadows and building of deapth here so impressive. Great animation is always fun to watch.
They then started laughing at how absurd I sounded. I joked back "You keep saying I show signs of being autistic even though I was never diagnosed." So what's so hard to believe about what I am saying now.
They then said well you're definitely a furry that much is for sure❗
I was like really WOW 😳 I never thought so. Thus here I am opening it up to the Internet do I sound like a furry?
Like what even is a furry?
Does the things I stated above seem like furry evidence. Thanks for the feedback.
1 month ago. November 3, 2024 at 4:40 PM