As my Mistress continued to train me and teach me the BDSM lifestyle, I became awakened to the fact that i have always been a sub. Electricity shot through my whole being as the truth of who i truly am washed over me in waves of pure joy and excitement! I have found my purpose. My life now has meaning!
A hunger gripped me to learn and understand. I wanted to know all there was to know in an instant. I could not get enough information. It all became clearer. I AM a sub! It is not what I have chosen to be, it is my nature! It is who I am! As I sat quietly my head spinning with thoughts, I began to weep. I have finally found what I have been looking for!
Then fear! What should I do? I want to please my Mistress. I am her slave. She for real? Does she have my best interests in her heart? Will I be hurt? What do I do? answers! I was floating in a sea of doubt.
My Mistress came to me. The look in her eyes showed me all I needed to know. I was truly cared for. I submit to you my Mistress! I give You the respect, honor, trust you deserve. I am Yours!
I realized that this was my first lesson. There will be many more. I can rest knowing that I am in Her hands. I am cared for. Finally, I am free!