It comes in different forms: physical, mental, emotional, consensual, and forced. It can give you that oh so wonderful satisfaction of release or it can bring your world crumbling down. Everyone knows pain. Some are acquaintances, some pass it by on the street, others are close friends, and many are immediate family members. I know pain: emotional. She's practically my best friend. We have our quarrels and fights. Some have only lasted moments while others have taken years: years of the same hurt, the same heartbreaking words, the same torturous thoughts, and the same excuses. After some time, I’ve created a callous to the pain, become numb to it so I didn’t realize I was still being hurt. I learned to deal with it, to move past it. To not let it stop me from living. Yes it still does hurt, it still makes my world crumble but I already have the tools to rebuild, to not dwell on the words and thoughts, and to not let it break my heart. So now I can live with the pain and I expect the pain. She will always be in my life. Sometimes I will greet her with open arms, sometimes I’ll quietly sit next to her as we each do our own thing, and sometimes I will fight her with everything I have.