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1 year ago. December 11, 2022 at 4:39 AM

I don't understand why I have to care about others feeling and why My feelings do count I follow the rule I try not to hurt people who don't give Me permission but then I am expected to look away when there is a dick in the room and there are only supposed to be pussies even though there is another room for the dicks just talking out loud to Myself 

Shakes My head and walks toward the door thinking this is fuck 





1 year ago. November 28, 2022 at 7:03 AM


Why can please follow the group settings just cause they feel something isn't a good enough reason there are set guidelines I don't want them to be hurt but fuck what about My needs and wants has the world rally become that st entitled that no one else counts other then themselves shakes head 



2 years ago. October 21, 2021 at 2:49 PM

Why are Liars so fucking believable what satisfaction do they get from hurting people especially people who just want to help them and give them what they want and need to help and rise them?

2 years ago. October 21, 2021 at 11:37 AM

I have large eye but can not see

I have large ears but can not hear

I have a large nose but I can not smell 

I am empathic but not feel


?????? What am I 

2 years ago. October 21, 2021 at 8:05 AM

He look to His left

He looks to His right

He looks in front of Himself

He feels the pull from behind 

Into The Shadows 

He has fought 

He has challenged 

He has thought He has won the fight 

From being pulled Into The Shadows

Should He continue 

His fight

His dream

His desire

His compassion 

Or should He give into The Shadow 

He is afraid what is on the other side

He would miss

His friends 

His adventures 

His fun and game

His feelings for other 

Into the Shadows 

He sits on the edge 

He stands on the line 

He stop and looks 

He looks behind Himself into the light 

He has He has He has

He has no idea what holds Him back

What keeps Him held back 

What keeps Him from making that step

What is keeping him from His eventual path

Into The Shadows 

He don't know because the light 

Has lose it's warmth 

Has lost it's grasp 

Has lost it's feeling 

Has lost it's pull 

But Why 

Can't He make 

The Step

The Lundge

The Movement 

It's the cowardice of the unknown 

So He sit in the pain in the light


The pain

The Embarrassment

Will push Him finally 

In To The Shadows 




4 years ago. March 17, 2020 at 10:47 AM

4 years ago. December 30, 2019 at 6:04 AM

I am saying good bye to all My friends on here you will not see Me again for a very long time is ever it all depends on if I make it through the night I want to wish My friends all the best in there endeavours I wish them nothing but happiness with as little drama as possible as hurt as I am I'm devastated as I am I still wish My lil tinkerbell the best in her life I wish her nothing but the best and that she is happy I'm sorry that I am not the daddy that you wanted me to be or the vanilla man I blocked you on everything and I wish you nothing but the best I know you've been trying to push me away in the easiest way possible without hurting me so I am doing this for you please have a wonderful life Tinkerbell goodbye

4 years ago. September 12, 2019 at 5:44 PM

Where does a daddy go when He's blue when They need comforting cuz no matter what we also live on planet Earth and we all still have down time we have all listened and heard and no little ones who are down I need to talk and have being having bad days and everybody's going to help now but what about the Daddies/Mommies who need some comfort someone to help lift there spirits I just figured I would ask to see if anybody has an answer

4 years ago. August 2, 2019 at 1:14 AM

I'm no good at these things I'm better with talking with people but I do have a question how do I prove Myself to be the best choice I have listened I have given my opinions I have given my guidance I have shown how true I am but how can I show that I would be the best choice how do I show that I would be the best Daddy just a question you don't have to answer you don't have to like I'm just getting it off my chest