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4 years ago. August 2, 2019 at 1:14 AM

I'm no good at these things I'm better with talking with people but I do have a question how do I prove Myself to be the best choice I have listened I have given my opinions I have given my guidance I have shown how true I am but how can I show that I would be the best choice how do I show that I would be the best Daddy just a question you don't have to answer you don't have to like I'm just getting it off my chest

PapaWolf DaddyDom​(dom male) - I appreciate that you're admitting that to me as well it shows your character and I appreciate it what else can I do other than persevere but I felt I needed to ask the question to get it off my shoulders and to see what others have to say
4 years ago
Little momma​(sub female) - Just be there. Be there when she's happy, be there when she's sad, be there in the morning, be there in the evening. She'll see you're true to your word and your actions back up those words.

This is the humble advice of a babygirl.
4 years ago
TheAnt​(dom male) - If you are searching for a little, the best way to go about it is to keep posting and keep reading profiles of those seeking a Daddy. You will find one. I found Kitty that way and she loved my profile. Have someone check your profile. If you have a little friend, have that little review your profile. Make sure it is honest and reflects your true self. Don't brag about being a fantastic Daddy. Answer any questions honestly even if they make you look like pond scum so to speak (lol). The little thrives on the honesty.
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin} - Consistency- if you say something stick to it. If you speak do it with an open mind and heart, and be as truthful and honest about yourself, wants needs and interests. Nothing ambiguous, small little gestures, kind words or things that you like, that make you smile and let others get to know you more. Perhaps blogs on your interests, favorite music, stories etc. Hobbies or things you've always wanted to try. And be direct, as a little I can tell you I appreciate and respect direct, firm and consice, rather than empty platitudes or pretty empty words. Alsp adjust your blog maybe😉 it says your not looking...and Loki doesnt exactly have a great history/rap sheet so maybe explain more about how you relate to that/him so people get a better feel for you. Lastly a thick skin, nothing worthwhile will be easy so its going to take time.
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin} - Revision to this have you tried to make a “little/babygirl” space in your life so far? Start building a portfolio of activities and things you would like to do with your little once you find one another. Collect items that you would life to gift, make things by hand, start learning all about littles aftercare, needs and requirements etc so that when the opportunity comes along you are at least moderately prepared and can say “look! This is what I’ve been up to till now, thinking of you, planning for you-even though I didn’t know you yet you’ve been on my mind❤️“ this will also give you a former clearer image of what you do and don’t want and allow you to form a stronger link in your mind towards your long term goal
4 years ago
TheAnt​(dom male) - WLM,
Wow. Excellent advice. Really, truly. Great advice. I am adding it to my ways to help other future Daddys who ask me for help, something that seems to occur more and more these days which is a good ssf sign for you littles.
4 years ago

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