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The General Musings of a Sane Madman

Follow me on my journey through life, love, a mild addiction to Cherry Coke, and possibly even BDSM. This may be a bumpy ride. Hold on tight!
7 months ago. September 27, 2023 at 6:51โ€ฏPM

Good day, my wonderfully weird and kinky readers! I hope you are having an awesome hump day to start the stretch to the weekend! I also hope you have someone to hump!


Wait, “Good day”?? The fuck? That feels weirdly formal. And when I hear it in my head it sounds British. Odd considering my British accent sounds incredibly similar to my normal American accent. Yay for not being good at accents!


But I digress. Or do I? I probably do. Or not. Fuck it. You figure it out!


This is a very odd start to a blog. I promise I’m not drunk. Yet. Or maybe I am…




Today marks a very special and important day in my life. It was a year ago today that I had someone love my profile on here. And as promised by my profile at the time, I messaged her. What started as just a little friendly conversation mixed with my quirky humor quickly escalated into a desire to talk more and more and more.


Before long, we left the cage for another and easier app for our conversation. And from there, it was rare we ever went more than 5 minutes without a message to or from the other. We didn’t really know it at the time, but something special was happening.


In about a months time, I celebrated a birthday (end of October. Start shopping now, dear readers! You’re running out of time!) and my amazing angel said she wished she could spend it with me and make it special. And while the only time we could spend together was via text and a phone call, it was one of the best birthdays I’ve had. 

We proceed to then exchanging phone numbers and continued to grow even closer. We talked all day every day, and there was nothing that made me happier than getting that little notification saying that she texted me. I smile now just thinking about it.


We make it to the holidays and she sends me an amazingly sweet gift and it really made a big difference in how the holidays were going for me. And of course I sent her something small as well, and she loved it, of course. But I think she won in the gift department, because she’s just so good at that!


We enter the new year and begin long daily phone calls. To say we averaged 5-6 hours a day on the phone wouldn’t be a stretch, and the more we talked, the more we wanted to say. She was the only thing I wanted and she consumed my every waking thought, and all of my dreams. I didn’t understand how someone I had never met in person could make me feel the way she could. It didn’t make sense to me. Hell, it still doesn’t. If this is what love feels like, then I must confess I’ve never known love before. 


Things changed and became very real in February. I confessed my love for her in a cute way that she will always be able to relive. And she admitted her love for me in return. She was my person, and I, hers. We wanted to be together and started the process of planning it out.


In April, we finally made it happen. I was able to spend about 3 weeks with my sweet slutty angel, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would never be happy without her in my arms every day. And I will never have to face a reality where that happens again. Neat!


Since then, our relationship has grown stronger and even deeper, which I don’t understand. How is it even possible to want to spend every second of my time with her? And how can she feel the same? It doesn’t make sense. All I want is her. Lucky for me, she’s MINE. So I get it! 

I truly think that what we have is rare and special. I see countless people who are in relationships who complain about spending time with their partner. “Why does he always want to take me out?” “She always touches me!” “I wish he wouldn’t slap my ass every time I walk by.”


Fuck that! They love you. They want to show it, and that’s how they are able to express it. You’ll miss it when it’s gone. And go it will, if you can’t appreciate it for what it actually is!


Sorry, this isn’t a relationship advice blog. This is a blog to express my happiness at finding my person on this site one year ago.


To my beloved slutty angel,

You took a risk taking on a Dom with so little experience, and a man with so much weirdness. And every single day, I am thankful that you did. You are my best friend, my happy place, the brightest star in my life, and my everything. We’ve made it to this point, and while yes, it is a huge accomplishment, it pales in comparison to just how high we will fly! One down, forever to go! I love you so damn much! 

My dear reader, thank you for indulging me in a few moments of bliss over the wonderful woman in my life and our journey together. I truly hope you are able to find something just as amazing. It’s out there. I promise. I found it. She was here, locked in her own Cage, waiting to be set free.


See what I did there? I’m fucking clever!

NotReallyHere​(sub female){Iโ€™m His} - I had no idea what loving your profile would do to my life. Best decision ever! Iโ€™m so happy to be yours. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
7 months ago

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