What do you see when you look at the above picture? Is it just a symbol telling others in the lifestyle that we are brothers and sisters or does it symbolize more to you?
Sure, we can all go and find out what the meaning is from the creator by searching up “The Emblem Project “, but it also has meaning to people beyond that.
Not only do I see what the meaning is, I also see it as a continuous flow of power. The flow that is represented by the outer circle that is around the three parts of relationship represented as Me, Her, an Us. 2 individuals and 1 partnership.
The outer circle is the energy that is given by all 3 aspects and fills up all 3 aspects. It is a give and receive. Each person giving to the other and the partnership, as well as, receiving from the other and the relationship in a continuous flow. Each giving themselves fully to each other and the partnership. The Dom giving to the sub and the sub receiving and being filled. The sub giving to the Dom and the Dom receiving and being filled. All at the same time, both giving to the partnership and filling it. Seems like a simple concept. However, a concept is only that until it is put into action.
What is important to realize, for me at least, is that my partner needs to be on the same page as me. She needs to have the same “Vision” that I have. If she does not, then the flow will not work. There has to be an alignment. Let me clarify that there may be subtle differences, but the core of it needs to be the same, otherwise the wheel is out of alignment and the smoothness of the flow will be disrupted. It is like riding a bike with warped rims, it is doable for a bit, but eventually you will fall.
This is why it is important that each person takes their time when looking for a LTR in dynamic. You need to see if the peg fits properly. A square peg will never fit right in a round hole no matter how hard you try. Take your time and get to know the person that you are interested in and talk about your vision with them and have them talk about theirs with you. It is far better to know if it will work upfront with that info then to find out down the road that you do not align in what it is that you are both after.
Another thing that can disrupt that flow is the “God / Goddess” way of thought. “What the hell is that?” You ask. This is where people think that their partner in infallible and they should never do any wrong. They should just know your needs or you theirs. It is like I am a God and I should just know everything and be perfect all the time. Or She should know everything and be perfect all the time. I can tell you that you are going to disrupt the flow with these types of expectations. You will also find that your partnership will come to a quick and volatile end. Remember that we are all human and we all make mistakes. The flow allows for this as long as the individuals know this. I know I am going to make mistakes. I know that she will make mistakes. We are both humans and not Gods. There are going to be times that I am not going to be able to give my all and she will know and adjust. There will be times that she cannot give her all and I will adjust. That is why I use this saying - “I am strong and she is my strength as she is strong and I am her strength. Together we are are strong.” The flow brings and is Unity
I could go on and on, but I will save you the boredom of my philosophies on the subject. I will challenge you though to look at your dynamic, if you are in one, and study it’s flow. What are you doing to make sure that the flow is steady and continuous? How can you adjust and adapt to increase it and make it smooth?
If you are not in one, think about what that flow would like like with the right partner. What is the Vision? How can you start to prepare yourself for when you meet your partner? Remember that it is not 2 halves that make a whole, but 2 wholes that make a partnership.