Another morning in my stand wait for the elusive buck to come by so I can take him to freezer camp.
As you may notice, there is this white stuff all around me as we are getting the first snow of the year here in North Central MN. At least there isn’t a lot of wind and the birds and squirrels are still having fun all around.
I can say that being out here is my home away from home. It is the place where I can sit and get grounded. Just watching nature in all of its wonder. The Universe has definitely blessed Hekate and I with this beautiful property that we get to call ours.
Yes it can get cold in the winters and steaming hot in the summers. We get a week of fall and spring. But in all honesty, I would not trade it for anything. We have been on this journey to come to this specific time and place and we are right where we are supposed to be. There are new and exciting things happening for us that I will not disclose as of right now, but maybe in the near future.
These are truly the moments I live for. It is only when you realign yourself with the things that truly matter that you start to live life and live it to its fullest. No more chasing after worldly things. I have learned to let go of all of that and just flowing with the Universe and enjoying the journey along the way.