2021 is not being friendly but at least my heart can stop racing.
I realize I am the strong one, the one that has the need to keep everyone afloat. But who keeps me afloat? I do. I find laughter where I can to keep from breaking. 🤪
I literally have no one on my side right now. So, I'm going step away that laughter and bare to you a broken soul. This will definitely be followed by some super fuckery 👅😁
We got word today that my brother is ok. He had a stroke. People, we got to take care of ourselves. One of a few who actually gives a damn about what happens to me... Was nearly home in seconds. Really didn't have time to think of my grandmother's death...I was busy keeping everyone else afloat.
Doms fail to realize who they have in their midst when they have a bratty sub. The same strength that keeps everyone afloat, keeps me strong.. Keeps me a bit bratty. Doms seriously don't understand brattiness is a form of strength, a wall to protect the weakness.
So when u reject the bratty sub, don't be angered by the wall you violently kicked and broke your foot on. We are a lot stronger than you think. Not easily broken.
Just Thinking Out Loud (painfully 💔)
~In Search of Truth~