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Poems and more from the Heart, Soul, Mind and Spirit

Poetry that i have written in the past and present. I'll also be adding short stories that I have written (stepping out of my comfort zone), my thoughts, desires, inspirations and the journey of healing on all aspects of my life. Enjoy and thank you for reading ((HUGS))
2 years ago. December 23, 2021 at 12:51 AM

Now, that I finally stopped crying with happiness, I'm going to speak from the very depths of my soul. My sub and I have a very unique and special relationship. We have vented to one another, grew together on certain aspects, even taught me a couple of new skills.  

A little while ago as he was dropping of donations for a community group I'm a part of, he handed me a gift. I wasn't expecting anything from him, I was the one that was going to get him a gift. I knew exactly what to get him. As he handed me my gift, he stated that there were rules, well a.rule. for me not to get him anything for Christmas, he doesn't need anything, he's good.  Now while.he was saying this I'm thinking I'm going to get him something anyway, until he said I won't speak if you do then I'm like aww man.  Anyone who very well, im a giver, I give to everyone. know how hard this is going to be for me lol. So I agreed no gift,  he was serious, he said get something.for the little one(ziva) instead. 

It felt heavy, he said I'm going  to have fun with it (you know where my mind went lol). Said my thank yous, gave him a kiss and we parted ways. I opened my gift and immediately the tears began to fall. Guys he bought me a fire HD tablet!!!!  I have never in my life received a surprised gift that made this emotional  before.  Outside of being an amazing sub he's an amazing friend, teacher, confidante, and more.  He's definitely one in a million, Heaven, Universe all things spiritual, knew what they were doing. I.just had to trust, heal, let go and move forward with renewed love for amd within myself. I couldn't have asked for a better walk into my life when I needed them the most. The best is yet to come 😊

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