As I was getting the laundry together this morning, I decided to.go to thr new laundromat which is further than the usual one I go to. I began to think, what if L saw me walk past? What will he think? Will he start to.doubt the success of the business? So many thoughts/questions mind. I've been a loyal customer since I moved into this town, even when it closed due to being sold, I supported his other location during the sale. Even though it there's a new owner, nothing much has changed to keep customers but I still supported the business. Until....another laundromat that I avoided, was sold and remodeled. It was so.inviting and relaxing., tea, soft music, similar to the environment of Starbucks, but better.
With that said, I realized how loyal I am to the wrong and right people. In my lifetime, I can recall about 5 or 6 times of me being disloyal to someone (including sexual relationships) I stayed loyal to someone knowing that they didn't deserve my loyalty. It made them happy while I was miserable missing out on other opportunities the Universe sent my way that gave me a sliver of happiness and peace. I.told my friend/sub, I won't be looking for another sub. Once I become sexually active with someone, that's it. I sleep.with anyone else. (I should have stuck to that) When I sat down qnd spoke with him about it, i.told him I don't know why I did. He was very understanding and put the situation in a different light. He told me, deep.down inside you wanted to see if that is what you really wanted. Honestly, i.didn't. I knew what was going to happen afterwards so why be loyal to that person? I cut ties on all aspects, walked away feeling peaceful and happy for a change. Since then, I have been loyal and it will stay that way until something changes.between my friend/sub and I. Enjoying relaxing evenings by the fire watching a movie qnd having a beer or.two, is.the best thing that has since discovering who.I am.
Moral of the story is...not very one deserves your loyalty when the same.cannot be returned. Make time.for those who make The universe will send someone better, someone.who can fulfill your needs, and not.rob you peace and happiness along the way.. just be patient.. Finally, you deserve peace and happiness, don't allow anyone to.take/keep that away from you.