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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
2 years ago. November 30, 2022 at 1:36 AM

This is sort of a post-Thanksgiving post, so I hope it's not too late.


November is generally my least favorite month of the year.  Too cold and dark for outdoor recreation.  But, generally too early for snow sports and Christmas.  (Though our local ski hill did open early this year so I did get some snowboarding runs in on Sunday after all.)

But generally, this is my existence in November:  Drive to work in the dark; come home in the dark.  Rake leaves- my least favorite yardwork chore; You Dominant types, if you are ever looking for a way to punish your subs, make them rake leaves!  Hunker down, turn inward, sit by the fire, work on projects (like typing stuff on the  Start thinking about what to get everyone for Christmas.  Hit a couple crafts fairs. That's November around here.

I woke up on Sunday after a strange dream about loneliness, feeling extra lonely being in an empty house.  But then I remembered; to give thanks for what I do have instead of for what I don't.  I have plenty of great supportive friends, and a good social life. I live in a place which offers plenty of fun stuff to do- like Snow boarding.  I still have my mother and brother. I still have good health, and a roof over my head, with a yard that perhaps has too many deciduous trees, but which will look beautiful come spring.  And I have met some wonderful people on these forums.

And finally, to whomever it was who reported my previous post for allegedly violating some kind of terms, I apologize if I offended you. I was really trying to walk a line of not being too controversial of political, and was merely expressing the point that it is good to have respect for others who may be different from you. I'm sorry if my post was taken that way.

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