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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
1 year ago. March 3, 2023 at 1:33 AM

A while ago, I posted something to the effect that maybe public displays of BDSM play may not be the best idea, as it might impose on others or make them uncomfortable.

But, you know what?  On second thought, maybe it might be fun, in the right settings, to "mess with the squares" a bit.  Obviously nothing too extreme, and maybe there's a time and place (i.e. not at church, or in front of a whole bunch of kids, etc.)

But if a dominant were to discreetly carry a small horsetail flogger in their purse (or backpack) with them, for those times when they feel the sub is being, well, a little naughty, and break it out to administer a brief but stern "Correction" when at the store, at the mall, or wherever...then why not?  It might mess with a few people's heads, sure, and show them (and more importantly, the sub) who's the boss.  

Or a small but discreet loop hanging out of the front of his pants which is hardly noticeable until...she gives it a quick and firm tug to bring him (and the scrotum it's attached to) firmly back in line. 

Maybe wearing a collar or piece of identifiable jewelry in public- those "in the know" will be in the know, to everyone else, it's just jewelry.

And in any adults only setting, especially an "Adult novelties" shop or BDSM club, then of course, anything goes.

So, I was hesitant to engage in any public play, but in the right setting, with the right people- sure, why not?



Music corner:


Possessed "Seven Churches" LP/CD

On another note, words cannot express the greatness of this LP. 

Released in 1985, this album was groundbreaking in many ways.  Sure, there was speed/thrash metal around back then, and hardcore punk.  But this was probably the first to mix the hardened, unchained fury of hardcore punk with the imagery and aesthetic of metal- and even then, when we listened to it, we thought it had more in common with stuff like The Exploited, Discharge, MDC and Minor Threat than with any metal, even thrash metal, that we had ever heard.  Just raw energy, skank beats galore, and guitar playing, courtesy of a teen-aged Larry Lalonde, (the future Primus guitarist) that was totally and completely unhinged.   Plus, a totally punk rock styled vocalist who didn't even make any pretense of actually trying to sing the lyrics, so instead he just yelled and screamed them as loud as he could.  Mix that with "Cool" edgy teenaged satanic shock lyrics, and you had an album that made a huge impression on both teenaged metal fans- and punks alike- back in the day.  This is considered one of the first pure death metal albums ever.  Pretty much every band that came along playing death metal afterwards- Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Nile, Hate Eternal, you name them- can claim at least some indirect influence from this album.  The band themselves never really topped it; subsequent releases were much more polished and much more along the lines of 80's underground speed metal such as Exodus, Metallica, Slayer, etc, In any case, they ended up splitting up in low key fashion around 1987 after Larry left to join Primus.  

Anyway, I was listening to this the other day, and it rules.  (Don't worry though, my musical tastes have, in fact, matured since the 1980s, but nothing wrong with revisiting the music of your rebellious youth, right?)

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