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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
1 year ago. March 9, 2023 at 4:58 AM

One nice thing about fetish play, is that there can be many ways to explore that are intimate and very intense, sexually and emotionally...but yet there is no risk of unplanned pregnancy or STD's.

Okay, I don't have a lot else for today.  Play hard, play safe, love your mistress/master, and for you dominants, take care and cherish your submissives.


MUSIC CORNER:  Saga "Worlds Apart" LP.

This was one of those classic albums I loved from my formative years as a kid. It came out roughly at the end of 1982, or maybe early 1983, some time around there. It was Canadian synth rock, with a guy named Michael Sadler on vocals and backing keyboards, and keyboardist Jim Crichton, who were the main songwriters.  At this time, the whole new-wave synth rock thing was just starting to replace the more traditional blue collar bar room rock that was dominating the radio at the time.  So, it was a very keyboard driven sound, even some of the drums were programmed.  But what I loved about this record were, well, there was a couple of things.  It was much more hard driving and upbeat than a lot of the more fluffy pop stuff that came out in the mid-80s, but more in a rock and roll way, than a club dance-pop way.  The songs weren't just your typical love, romance and heartache stuff either.  There was definitely an undercurrent of science fiction themes in many of the songs. And most of them were catchy as heck. Many of you Canadians might remember "On the Loose" and "Wind him Up" as being big hits; these were not quite as "Big" or well remembered in the U.S. but yet...they're great songs either way.  Anyway, I love this album. It's one of those classic old records I love to dig out and play every now and again.  The album had two different covers, but the one with the old guy holding the map is much more interesting than the "Chick with sunglasses" cover.  I don't know why they re-did the cover art as the original was was just better- record companies work in mysterious ways, I guess.  You music nurdz: Check out this album if you can find it!


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