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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
7 months ago. April 24, 2024 at 8:29 PM

I have what feels like terminal nasal rot.

I stayed home from work today, tired, catching up on sleep, blowing my nose.

Half the day resting, the other half blowing my nose, and much of the day TRYING to sneeze.

You know how it feel the sneeze coming. It builds up and builds up, and it just wont come.  You are like, ha...ha...ha...hah....hah.... HAA..Haaa. HAAAAAAA....

....but then, no ...."Choo!."

And those are the worst. Sort of like edge play when you aren't allowed to cum; if only I were allowed to sneeze!  Just let it rip. But sometimes the sneeze just won't come.

And when you do, when you finally get the sneeze out after like five minutes of it building up, ithe pressure building in your sinuses, your eyes watering, and finally, after that last "AAAAAAAA..... that seems to last forever, it comes.  The sneeze practically takes your head off. The walls seem to shake. Your whole body jerks back; it can be the best most mind blowing nose-gasm you've ever had.

Sorry I don't have anything interesting to write about this time. I'm honestly too tired and physically drained to do anything, much less be a good attentive submissive. Maybe not too tired to have another ripping sneeze though. I feel one coming on as I type this.  huh...huh...huh...HAAAAAAAA!!!......

(no sneeze. Man, what a let down.)

Cybr - Feel better soon!
7 months ago

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