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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
6 months ago. June 11, 2024 at 11:43 PM

"MANY will get wrong!" says the enticing youtube tag.  "Oh YEAH?!" I ask myself.  "This is easy; I'll show him!" 

So I whip out some scratch paper and come up with an answer.  Yeah, many will get wrong, but I'm not gonna be one of 'em...

Why do I even waste my time; math was always my least favorite subject. And how did this dumb math problem show up in my Youtube recommendations anyway?  What kind of insidious math algorithm did this Mister Youtube Math Man come up with, to torment us with his insidiously evil math problems, that many, in fact, DO get wrong?  

So I set about to prove Mr. Youtube Math Man wrong.  OF COURSE I know how to do this, it's only been (3x + 10 =100) years since I last took algebra, so...  Sometimes I do get it right.  Maybe  60-70 percent of the time.  "Ha ha, you can't put one over on ME, Mr. Youtube Math Man!" I sneer at the screen.  "IF you got this right, you get an A plus, happy face, and certificate of excellence so you can brag to your friends and family that you are a certified expert in the field of polynomial equasions!" He replies. (Yeah, I'm not really gonna brag to people about that.  They'll just be like, "Why are you such a math nerd, and aren't there more interesting things to watch on Youtube?"  To which I'd reply, "Yeah, your're right.  But you see, Mister Youtube Math Man, he's like my nemesis!")

Or, I'll get his silly math problem wrong and be like "Goddang it, Mr. Youtube Math Man!  You got me there. Dang it.!"  And feel pretty dumb since like, probably every average 9th grader in the world probably got it right.

So, I dunno. Math was always my worst, and least favorite subject. Ironically though it seems.  I do enjoy interesting content, about music, or horror movie shorts, or other topics of interest.  So, how I got suckered into wasting valuable computer time watching Mr. Youtube Math Man's silly videos in the first place, I'll never know.  Maybe because my ego needs a constant fix, or maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment. 

Or maybe I just need some better content for blog posts.  So that's about it, see ya.

Six Foot Four - I probably says a lot about me that I read this and then immediately went to Youtube and searched for it. What I have learned is that yes, I still suck at searching for things on the internet, and there are a surprising number of videos with 'Many Will Get This Wrong' as the tagline and there are a surprising number of Math Men on Youtube. Also, I enjoyed the blog post. So there.
6 months ago

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