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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
2 months ago. June 20, 2024 at 1:09 AM

So, this is just a random question about something totally random.

Like, Why do we have so many fucking elements? 

Like, seriously, take, for instance, Gallium.  What the heck does one do with Gallium?  Mostly it just sits there, taking up space on the periodic table between Zinc and...whatever "Ge" is (some other equally useless element, most likely.)  I mean, do they make Gallium burgers?  Or Gallium necklaces?  Gallium toe rings?  I haven't heard of these things; for all intents and purposes, Gallium is frickin' useless.

Or Ytterbium.  Most people have never even heard of this stupid element.  If I still played Dungeons and Dragons, I might make Ytterbium pieces as coins, equal to five Dysprosium pieces, or eleven point two five Lanthanum pieces- or maybe six or seven "normal" metal coins like copper.  Because, what else do you do with Ytterbium?  I bet if there was a Ytterbium shortage, nobody would notice (or give a dang.)  On the other hand, I was trying to buy some Praseodymium bullion the other day, and lo and behold, the pawn shop was sold out of Praeseodymium.

Then there are those elements like Cesium, that do cool stuff like explode when you toss them in water, and while that's pretty cool in all, it really kind of gets old pretty quick if that's about all it's good for.

And you have stuff like Berkelium, Curium, Actinium,and Francium- radioactive death elements that seem to have no use other than radiation, pestilence, darkness and evil, bombs, worship of dark forces, corrosion and despair.  If we got rid of some of these stupid elements, I bet nobody would even miss them. And some of these, like, say, Meitnerium, have atoms that only last for nine seconds.  Like, what good is an element that only lasts for nine seconds?  Seriously, this is why kids hate chemistry.  

So, I propose, we get rid of some of these pointless and useless elements, that don't really do anything.

Anyway, that's about it, see ya.

vv V vv​(sadist male) - Fun Fact Curium glows purple in the dark but the amount you would need to see the glow would kill you.
2 months ago

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