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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
3 months ago. June 25, 2024 at 12:39 AM

This is based on a true story, but the names of course have either been changed, or they simply aren't given. There are three people involved- a love-struck suitor, a Random Guy, and a beautiful and amazing woman. It's not an entirely happy story, but maybe it's not yet over.


Once upon a time, maybe ten or so years back, there was a girl.  She was tall, smart, beautiful and alluring.  The girl of his dreams, but of course he had not yet met her.  This girl loved to go out on the town, and have fun.  Who didn't in those days. Our main character, a love-struck suitor, he liked to do so as well.  Maybe he tried to be responsible and limit his number of drinks, but maybe not everyone else did.  Certainly not This Random Guy, whom she chose over him that night.


She and This Random Guy, they laughed and drank together. Somehow, he said the right things, and they hit it off.  A superficial hook-up, a shallow bro-brah who wanted nothing more than to brag about his conquest with the rest of his shallow bro-brah buddies the next day.  After a while, he decided to make his move.  "Hey, let's ride one of those electric scooters!  My apartment it just across Broadway, behind the stadium off of Beacon!  Let's go back to my place!" This Random Guy said.  "Hop on! We'll ride together!"


But This Random Guy had already ingested a random number of cocktails, a random number that was nonetheless far too high to negotiate such things as electric scooters.  But with no misgivings, She hopped on with him. Drawn by his... who knows what, was it his charms, his looks?  His false confidence and smarmy ways he had about him?  It's not always apparent why people choose the partners that they do.  Maybe it was nothing more than the booze talking.  Because speaking of which, it was not more than a couple blocks from his apartment where he lost control and crashed.  She hit the pavement, head first, fracturing her skull and bleeding profusely. He managed to escape with only minor injuries


Ever chivalrous, our Random Guy.  He carried her unconscious, lifeless body over to some nearby junipers.  Maybe he thought, "Oh Shit!  I better get out of here before the cops get here!"  Or maybe it was just "Oops, this sucks, guess maybe I won't get laid tonight after all." But either way, he just dumped her into the bushes, like a litterbug leaving out yesterday's trash- and left her there to die.


The neighbors found her body, barely alive, and called an ambulance.  Happily, she pulled through and eventually recovered, after weeks in a coma and months of recovery.  But she would always have a scar on her head, and a slight slur to her speech.  And yes, she would always remain beautiful.   After a few weeks, detectives caught up with our gallant Random Guy, who ended up getting only a year in prison for his so-called "noble and romantic exploits."


Ten years later, our hero, ever striving to be true, chivalrous, and noble, and not just a Random Guy, he sits; waiting in vain for her to return his love.


And that's all I have. See ya.

vv V vv​(sadist male) - Ever heard of being in the friend zone?
3 months ago

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