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Random thoughts. Some of them will be erotic and kink-related, but some of them won't be, and as such people might find them boring. Some will be related to personal fantasies, but some to personal experiences as well.
3 months ago. July 11, 2024 at 3:38 AM

I guess one of my goals has always been to write posts about stuff that nobody else does.  It may not be terribly interesting to everyone, but at least it's original. That's the goal anyway.

One thing I've noticed about "erotic" posts is, what is erotic to one person is cringey to someone else.  If, for example, I talk about the deep erotic thrill of being spanked by a women, forced to take her strap-on, worship her boots or...use your imagination and fill in the blank-  then usually the reaction will be one of these 3 things, either  A) submissive females (and even some dominant females) will find such content cringey, or, B) dominant males will be outright disgusted, or C) only fellow submissive males will find it as erotic as I do. One out of three isn't bad I guess but that's still a pretty narrow appeal.

So... with that, I'll post about something else.  Something nobody notices or ever talks about.

Those green boxes. 

You see them everywhere: on sidewalks in residential areas. On front lawns, next to driveways, or around bushes.  If you go down to your local shopping center or office complex, you will see larger, taller ones.  You probably don't even notice them after a while.  I mean, they don't really appear to do anything but sit there, humming away (literally) cryptically, always in the same key.

That's another thing, if you do take notice- and if you don't, I certainly don't blame you at all!- then after a while you realize the enigmatic green boxes do always hum at the exact same pitch.  It's a low B, or just slightly off of a low B,  which is a scientific 61 cycle tone.  The boxes give off an almost exact 60 cycle tone.  There is a reason for this, but the explanation involves a bunch of technical scientific jargon and who really wants to read THAT?  (It would probably be about as cringey as me talking about being spanked.)  So anyway, what you can do, is walk up to one, preferably one of the larger ones that sit in front of most Burger King or Dairy Queen restaurants, and hum to yourself in the key of D sharp. And if you have a buddy with you, have them start humming in the key of F sharp. That way you can have a three part harmony with the box, and make beautiful green box music with them. 

Or, you can set your drinks on them, or use them as makeshift yard furniture.  Cats in particular like to lie on them in cool weather.  I mean, these boxes have to be good for SOMETHING, right?

Actually, they have something to do with electricity, because when the power goes out, lo and behold, all of the boxes stop humming.  So, next time you see one of those green boxes, and I bet you probably see dozens of them every day and just don't even notice them, then raise a toast to the singing but unsung heroes of underground power lines- the Green Boxes!


So, that's about it, see ya.

lambsone{countrySir} - Too funny.
3 months ago

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