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Finding the true me

A place to share my oh so very random thoughts, stories, creativity & whatever else I see fit as I travel this road.
2 years ago. September 4, 2021 at 11:31 AM

It's 5 a.m.. 5.a. m., on a Saturday. I'm up. Not because I have to be, or want to be, for that matter. No, I'm up because my dogs decided they needed out at 4:45. I love them but damn.

I had enough trouble sleeping last night. I tossed & turned, was up & down, and this brain..... It just would NOT shut down.  No matter what I did. No matter how tired my body was.. this brain..this brain wasn't done with the day. "You need to do this. You shouldn't have said that. Did you do this? Why did you do that? You should change your hair. Keep loosing the're doing good with that. You're trying too hard. You're not trying hard enough". On & on & on.... Internally screaming, begging it to give me some relief so I can rest. 

The last time I remember looking at the clock was at 2:08 a.m. Finally, peace. I remember slipping into that bliss. The quiet, the stillness & it was welcomed. My dreams were full of good things, reassuring, & calming, even. I needed that. 

Almost 3 hours later, I'm up. Way to soon. I needed to stay lost in those dreams just a little longer. But, alas, dogs are impatient. 

So, here I sit, on my deck, with a great cup of coffee, listening to the frogs & waiting on sunrise. This early Saturday morning. 

Maxorde{Not lookin} - Sometimes an early day watching the sun rise is the best medicine! Warm thoughts for you today
2 years ago
redhairedcountrygirl​(sub female){Not lookin} - Thank you so much. You're right. It's great medicine. I hope you have a fabulous day
2 years ago
Maxorde{Not lookin} - Thank you 😁
2 years ago
CSI - I am here in solidarity. Lol!! When they have to go, they have to go
2 years ago
redhairedcountrygirl​(sub female){Not lookin} - Yes ma'am. When they've got to go, they've got to go. I just cuss & fuss a little when it's so early. Lol
2 years ago
RightOne - Your mind is still generating messages that indicate something, or several things, are not in balance. Health and wellness is certainly an odd beast...most of us take it for granted in youth. And as we age, it presents more and more persistent messaging. These messages are hard to ignore. And getting back into balance on health and wellness takes far more work than many people can comprehend, or commit too. But there are big rewards for making the sacrifices, and truly achieving consistency in health and wellness practices.

I can share one anecdote about sleep that may help. In my youth and early adulthood I developed a general anxiety disorder that started to worsen acutely as I grew fatigued from business travel. It eventually connected with an irrational fear of flying and other personal unresolved fears. After some moderately successful pysychotherapy which game me a new toolkit, I pushed thru most of the fears and made some huge life changes. When it came time to start up the jet travel schedule again, I put myself in those fatigue/stress situations on long international flights. And allowed the voices of stress, insecurity, low self esteem, and irrational ebb. To diminish. And I started to cat nap on such flights, instead of stressing out and keeping myself in a fight or flight state. I added the same techniques to the rest of my noj travel days and activities. So if I have a 3-4 hour fitful sleep evening...I just wait for my body and mind to call for sleep...and then I allow it to happen. Just like the flights. The resulting 'power naps' are extraordinarily helpful. Try to grab one later today!

The other tip is that exhaustive exercise will absoluetly increase the quality and duration of sleep. The body and mind go on autopilot. Good luck!
2 years ago

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