And more times than not.
The getting to know you phase.
Fucking Sucks....
Seems like one day everything is great, and the next day you are being pushed away, shut out, forced out, and Done.
And this is from the Ones that don't just ghost Y/you for no apparent reason.
Head Held High
People often let us down in life.
Good Damn Thing....
i'm doing me...
i learn from all i meet in life.
i carry that knowledge with me.
And i am forever greatful, and thankful, for all the good and bad times.
That's how i grow.
If One cannot handle the ride, then it's a damn good thing they got off my merry-go-round.
For i give all of me.
i love fierce.
i am strong.
i know what I want and need.
You can either get on board, hold on for dear life, and enjoy the ride.
Or go and find One who is better suited to Your Needs.
i got me.
This girl will make it with or without another.
It would just be nice to have One want to ride that ride along side me.
Yet, i hold out hope.
That One Day i will find that perfect fit.
The One who not only jumps on board but holds their hand out to guide me through my storm.
Thank You
flitterfly... :):):)
DawnRobin 🥰