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Thoughts From A New Me

I Am A Unicorn
I Am Uni
I Am Me

I Am But A Caterpillar
Set Free

Thinking Myself
Untill I Am Born Again

I Am A Butterfly
I Have Wings
I Fly

I Am FlitterFly
I Am Flitter
I Am Me

As I Fly
I See
A Wicked World

I Slowly Die
Find Again
Me... :)

Reborn Again
Out Of The Ashes
I Rise

High High High
Into The Sky
And I See

I Am A Phenix
I Rise
I Live
I Am Set Free

I Am Me.. :)
I Am Me.. :)
3 weeks ago. August 26, 2024 at 3:04 PM


I'm Not A Joke... 



Punch Line 


When I'm Not Around 


Thank You 

flitter'fly... :):):) 

dawnrobin 🥰 


SirPoison - No your not. You have feelings
3 weeks ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - We all do, Mr. Poison.
3 weeks ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - ♡hugs♡
3 weeks ago
flitter'fly​(sub female) - Hugs to you also sweet lady.
3 weeks ago

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