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Pieces of me...

1 year ago. October 26, 2022 at 5:36 AM

I am at a loss. 

Having been dubbed self absorbed and blind moments after you took the liberty to express an understanding of my natural tendency to serve others. 

What I offered was a view from a different angle. While I can comprehend your point of view... i know that others may see my "Bad Luck" tattoo in a negative way or think that i chose it because im a negative person. Their vision stops at the surface of a person. Rather than ask. They will pass judgement. Assuming my intent and depth.

I also know there are those who will see it and not judge me. They will see a story behind it. One that is a part of who I am today. They will inquire and show intrest. Seek out its  meaning to me and perspective. Knowing thought was put into such a decision. See deeper...

But the second I offer how it can be perceived differently... once again I'm nothing.

Your understanding of me sours. You take back trying to comfort or converse. You decided what I said made you feel some kinda way... a personal attack, perhaps.

I assure you it was not.

This is where you turned my words inward as they were not pointed at you. You lash out and condemn me to be the things you know will cause me distress. You reinforce my feelings of despair and make the emptiness in my heart that much heavier.

Again I'm gutted. Irrefutably a lost cause to be terminally alone.



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