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Just my opinion…

I could be wrong
1 month ago. April 30, 2024 at 12:45 PM

Umber has very particular ways of voicing her displeasure. I get either the angry chipmunk or another clever threat to my existence. This morning, it was the latter.

Today, I was lecturing her about self care (again).  She’s pulling faces, so I ask what has her distracted?

her: trying to figure out how to ask you for a favor, Sir

me: Angel , what is it? (She never asks for anything so I’m curious)

her: Well, I’ll need you to take your shirt off.

me: not a problem, but why

her: I need to measure your back for my new hobby.

me: oh. (New hobby… not surprised) so what is this new hobby?

her: Anthropodermic bibliopegy- like book binding.

I’m struggling a bit.  My head is breaking down Latin- dermic means skin and biblio is book.  Book binding… skin.. Bloody hell woman…

I shake my head and rub my forehead as she begins to giggle.. yes she got me again- but how the fuck does she know this stuff???

me: maybe you should take up knitting again

She erupts into laughter.

ThomasVa - Now that’s funny. You two were made for each other.
1 month ago
JigSaww - Omg too cute. I love this!!!
1 month ago
fluffypoppet​(sub female){Protected} - That’s so sweet. 🥰🥰🥰
1 month ago
Umberlee​(sub female){Aiden} - Well Sir, it keeps you on your toes 🤣. Remember the “sleeping beauties” book I had to have. You should have googled it right there and backed away slowly. 😈
1 month ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa! That's AWEEEEEESOME!
1 month ago
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} - Women are waaaay smart lol
1 month ago
AH Invictus​(dom male){Umberlee } - Particularly the feral-sapio-brat sometimes too smart.
1 month ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Would you want her any other way? I think not. ❤️🤣
1 month ago
AH Invictus​(dom male){Umberlee } - Absolutely not! She’s perfect as she is.
1 month ago

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