The name Slut why is it so used on here
And why do I want to to find my Slut
When she not a Slut in my eyes she would
Be adore and would be so loved ❤️ Her with all of my heart and soul
I ask a lot of people how far would you go for a sub or women you love so much as the Measures of what and how far would you go for that women you see as she call her self a slut for you
Who you see so strong in your eyes and so Beautiful inside and out as she calls her self a slut in your eyes to say take me 24/7 to do with what you wish
It shows me other way of how a women can fully submit her love to a man with giving her self a name that some women see it Degrees
Them if called it
The name Slut can be used as a Insult to many people in the world but the word on here is used to say I am His slut but what she is to us and what she wants to be for us
The devotion to giving us what we want is so much of his her body to do what we want to do to her
I find the word my self as very Unattractive word to say but what it means to me if she says she’s one is her body belongs to me to to use anytime I see fit
I Do not say the world out right as I find it hard to call any woman I love a slut but if she calls he self one I can Except it
There are a lot of Insults in the world of many names we use or people call them selfs when of today the name we bare my be once Upon a time would never to be used
I see of today what is more less manners of what we say and do is become less Disrespectful to some but I ask this is the swear words we use become more Common
In how way we talk to each other or are we just become a race of all words to be Excepted as I see so many pass them out like it does not care of what we say to each other
Where I told to speak of manners and do not use Swear words as the Generations grow the more swear words I hear
But this it only my point of view
I ask where does the Respect and manners of what we say to each other stand into days world ???