What is it to Dom
Why is it in my Veins
Why do I have the Passion and the Desire
To Dom
Why can’t I put the same into a vanilla
Why do I need toys and tool
Why do I have a to have a deep passion
I do I pour my heat out into BDSM
And I crave to Dom
I crave to show all my sides of my Dom
Caring passion love exchange in power and romantic and every thing to show her she is safe in my arms and loved and to never let her down
It’s comes down to how you show your true self to her in the way you act as a Dom As you take change of what she hands over to you with out demanding a thing and making sure she knows her rules and expected of her in wr she’s agreed to
love comes from within not on the act you do to her to be a Master is to win her mind before you own her body