My Dream is to create a space for a sub so she can be free from the outside world 🌍
Where we can be both Explore the most inner selfs of our own Emotions.
Create Memories and last long deep love In a place only for use under lock and key 🔐
When I can have my tools and toys and Equipment Designed and only for her own needs
The space is only hers to Express her deep needs of what she Deeply desires.
I want to build on love and making sure she has the deep connection with my mind and who she wants to be.
When you felel her own Presents on who she is you are full in contol of who Control of who she is in what she hands you in her own trust of you.
You must build on the most deep connection to understand of each other wants and how far you both go for each other when you look in to the eyes of connection you see the person for all there are.
If you have the passion for that come read more of who I am,
You may be the lucky one who gets to see all of me.